Carsten Korte, formerly Managing Director of Asylum Games and now VP Sales Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for IncaGold plc, will head up the operation IncaGold GmbH in Switzerland, which will be responsible for all the above territories.
"We have come a long way at IncaGold in 2005, listing the business on the AIM market of the London Stock-Exchange and publishing 28 titles successfully during the course of the year. A focused presence in the GAS marketplace was the next natural step. From our Swiss office we can now service the German retailers, press and consumers in a dedicated fashion", commented Carsten Korte.
IncaGold is actively looking for further acquisitions to its product portfolio of mass-market PC products and is openly inviting any developer or publisher in these territories to submit titles and contact the company.
A dedicated website for IncaGold's German-speaking users is planned for launch in early 2006.