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FlatOut (Wii)

Platform(s): Wii
Genre: Racing
Publisher: Zoo Games
Developer: Team6 Game Studios

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'FlatOut' (Wii) Details Cars, Modes - New Screens

by Rainier on Dec. 7, 2010 @ 9:41 a.m. PST

The main goal of the whole FlatOut franchise is taking out your opponents in the most violent way possible, trashing each others cars till they explode: which makes FlatOut one of the most violent racing series on the market.

The most obvious gamemode for rewarding, agressive racing behaviour is the old Destruction Derby mode but at Team6, we felt that this agressive 'violence factor' was missing in the old destruction derby gamemode from the previous FlatOut: and therefore we thought of new ideas to make this gamemode more fun and violent!

In the new FlatOut, the 'Battle Arena' is situated in an immense, interactive battle arena with a dark, post apocalyptic vibe. Inspired by the gladiators in ancient Rome, this is the perfect location to destroy your opponents with fun and ease. In previous FlatOut series some people may have found it frustrating to find an opponent and try to collide with him before he was out of sight: but the new Destruction Derby is one big deathtrap with loads of features to make it easier and more fun to blow your opponents car into tiny pieces!

There's only one way to repair your car in Battle Arena: you have to pick up a newly introduced 'Repair Bonus'. The catch is, these repair bonusses are often in a narrow, dangerous alley or nearby a deathtrap, making you an easy and especially fun target for all other contenders.

The Cars

The "offroad extreme cars" is a class of vehicles that can take a beating, and also can deal a beating. You can drive insane wild with them, and they won't punish you for it. You can even smash them into other cars, and they still won't complain about you abusing them. No surprise that these cars are meant for the more aggressive drivers amongst us.

The "Supercars" class of vehicles is a range of vehicles that only care for speed, and speed only. The incredible speed they offer, goes at the cost of other capabilities, such as lack of mass, or a strong exterior. Crash and burn is something that can happen quite easily if you don't have the skills, the reflexes when you're the driver of a car from the Supercar class. Still, who cares of danger and risk when you can achieve such amazing speeds?

The "muscle cars" class are cars with an amazing powersource, with immense size of engines that lack turbos, fuel-injection and especially computers result not only in a truly phenomenal, brutal sound but also in amazing power that doesn't care at all how heavy your body frame might be. Still, muscle cars are known for their preference of a straight line. For some particular muscle cars, a razor sharp corner is even their number one nightmare.

No matter what class you select, each car has unique and thrillingly accurate physics, fight to keep control of your cars at breathtaking speeds, smash opponents from the road and make your way to the finish in the toughest FlatOut so far.

About the four game modes


In the racing game mode, you go for the first place. It's about aggression, speed, skills, track knowledge, and in no other mode it's important what kind of car you select for what kind of racing track. Racing takes place in three different chapters, each with their own style and atmosphere.

The first chapter is Southern-Europe, where the dusky sky, old villages, claustrophobic alleys and atmospheric vineyards will all pass by in a blur. If you like precision steering, this is your favorite chapter.  The second chapter is the Industrial Port, where every wrong drift can cost you your victory, and where the sewers stinks so much that even a super car doesn't seem to go fast enough to escape the smell. If you like drifting and know how to take a corner properly,  this is your favorite chapter.  The third and last chapter are the highways of Downtown Financial Centre. Enormous skyscrapers dominate the skyline, but better keep your eyes on the road and find the best shortcuts. If you like long, wide roads and an amazing top-speed, this is your favorite chapter.


In the Stunt game mode its all about the score. Score can be earned in several ways, but there is only one way to find out what exactly works best in what stunt arena: Give them all a try! All stunt arenas are different (especially if you are playing the 'Nightmare' theme.. ) but they've all got something in common: you drive till you cant go further, and just before your car crashes you eject the driver (and, in two player mode, you can also eject the passenger of course!) through the windshield with loads of force. Once in the air, you can still aim towards your goal: but this is very limited so be sure to aim properly! Stunt Mode is already loads of fun in 1 player mode, but in 2 player mode its really twice the fun! Not only can you both eject your own driver and both try to get the best score possible (or you try to disturb each other, just what you like.. we chose a man and a woman for a reason) but the fun part is that are both in control of the car as well! This means if player1 tries to steer to the left and player2 tries to go to the right, that the cooperation isn't running very smooth. You really have to cooperate well to get the best out of this game mode.

Battle Arena:

Hardly nothing beats a spectacular show where carparts are flying through the air. A nice oldskool Destruction Derby is of  course our favourite game mode then, especially if you want to demonstrate your friends who rules FlatOut: The hard way. So far goes the theory, but it turned out that playing a destruction derby is pretty boring. You have to keep searching for an opponent, keeps driving in circles, and it's frustratingly hard to hit someone real hard. Luckily we've found the answer to all of this: Giant boobytraps! Now, of course it makes little sense to drive into a street filled with flames, or standing  beneath a charging 100.000 volt tesla coil, but thats why there are so much tasty healtbonusses for your car at these locations! Your car will instantly look and feel like new! So what will you do: Keep driving a car that has more parts on the road than really attached to its body, or take a chance and try to get a healthbonus, meanwhile hoping your opponents won't  be luring at this trap?
Apply aggressive or defensive tactics, try to survive or try to take everyone out: anything is possible and allowed in the new and deadly Battle Arena. The Battle Arena started out as a state-of-the-art Olympic Multi Sports Complex to be built, but the too ambitious construction was never finished because of a combination of financial problems and polluted ground. Luckily the investors found a new way to make money: Spectacular car battles like you've never seen before!

Car Basher:

Few things are so pleasant as demolishing something entirely. Imagine that you would actually pickup a chainsaw and go wild on your neighbours shiny new car: Very nice of course, but don't forget the heavy physical work you have to do, the danger of being hit by debries, exploding tires and last but not least that you'll end up in jail for a long, long time. Thats why videogames exist! In FlatOut you can now totally beat the crap out of five cars, with twelve different weapons. Goal of the game is to get the maximum score. It helps if you managed the car to be a total loss within the timelimit, but it also helps to get the bonus multipliers asap. In one player mode this is fairly easy, but in two player mode you have to be really quick to become first!

Key features

  • Stunning environments and realistic graphics: FlatOut Wii features some of the best graphics seen in a racegame for the Nintendo Wii.
  • Authentic physics technology and design.
  • Four spectacular gamemodes available in both single- and multiplayer.
  • 16 Cars to be wrecked.
  • Loads of violence and even more fun!

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