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September 2024

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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Disney Shuts Down LucasArts, Slew Of Titles Canceled

by Rainier on April 3, 2013 @ 11:01 a.m. PDT

What many had feared last year when Disney announced it had acquired LucasArts has come to pass. Disney has laid off over 100 employees and in the process canceled Star Wars: First Assault and Star Wars 1313.

Disney issued the following statement:

"After evaluating our position in the games market, we've decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company's risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games. As a result of this change, we've had layoffs across the organization. We are incredibly appreciative and proud of the talented teams who have been developing our new titles."

This truly sad news does not mean we will not be seeing any more Star Wars and Indiana Jones games, or even *gasp* Battlefront titles. They simply will no longer be developed internally by LucasArts.

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