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Shape of the World

Platform(s): Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Genre: Action/Adventure
Publisher: Plug in Digital
Developer: Hollow Tree Games
Release Date: June 5, 2018

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Shape of the World' (ALL) Kickstarter Campaign Successful

by Rainier on June 28, 2015 @ 10:15 p.m. PDT

Shape of the World is an ephemeral first-person exploration game where the world grows around you in a procedurally populated environment.

Exploration is about intentionally getting lost and the joy of being found again. Your presence is the driving force behind the evolving environment as you establish permanent monuments to mark your way. Without your presence, will the forest still come alive?

Shape of the World, powered by Unreal Engine 4, builds on the ideas of experiential games like Proteus and Flower where points and combat don’t enter the equation. An evolving world that grows with each step and hints at distant landmarks encourages the player to explore. Shape of the World offers a unique unfolding experience for those seeking an alternative to quest-driven adventure games.

We Did It!

But not just us. EVERYONE!!! Thank you all!!! We can finally rest easy tonight. We'd like to express the sincerest of thanks to all our fans for supporting us, not only during the last 30 days but during the last year. And we would also like to thank the press for helping us get our message out. Your kind words helped us reach so many more than we could have ourselves.

As a thank you for everyone’s support, we’re going to add a cool little 48-hour stretch goal which I hope benefits everyone. If we meet this stretch goal, we’ll give a FREE VR EDITION to every backer who pledged at a game reward level ($10 Beta Backer tier and above)!

This downloadable VR expansion will follow the original release. Platforms and release date have not been finalized.

We're pumped to switch gears again and dive back into production. Expect to see many, many more screenshots and GIFs over the next year as we build out the game. We hope you'll continue to stroll along with us on this journey. (And we promise hold off on the flood of emails for a while. :)

The kickstarter campaign will end on June 30, 2015.

Exploration is a part of many games but never the focus. Shape of the World puts exploration first. Exploration is about the thrill of getting lost - that moment when you discover an area you've never seen before and you're not sure which way to go. Only when you're lost can you experience the pleasure of being found. It is your task to leave a trail of monuments that represent your journey and help you find your way.

Shape of the World is deliberately disorienting. The forest only materializes around you when you get close, and it regrows in a new way each time you pass. The game features a graphically compelling procedurally generated environment that shifts continually. What will you find when you retrace your steps?

Shape of the World is modeled with bold, minimalistic beauty. Our lead developer (Stu Maxwell from The Coalition) is a VFX artist and has created a world that mixes contemporary motion graphics with vintage poster and animation design.

Inspiration also comes from the place we live. North America’s west coast and has formed the basis of many of our concept drawings. We are fortunate to be surrounded by old-growth forests even in the city of Vancouver where you can leave your normal world behind and embark on a winding trail. We’ve found that the journey is always more compelling than the destination.

Shape of the World features integrated audio that responds to the player’s travels. The audio environment is a central component of the game, amplifying your experience of the world.

Equally inspired by the drone of classical South Asian soundscapes and the brightness of modern electronic beats, the soundtrack will provide an enveloping aural experience to match the psychedelic world. The full original soundtrack will be released alongside the game.

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