Get the Hostile Intent v1.3.5 Mod off Worthplaying (36mb)
Here is the coding changelog for the 1.3 version:
- fixed corpses changing to ghille suit model when a player disconnects
- fixed connecting player not being placed under "Spectators" on the scoreboard
- new burst fire system (hold the trigger to fire the whole burst)
- added hi_round_timer entity (to change the amount of time left in the round)
- if you switch weapons while priming a grenade, you drop it
- decreased weapon switch delay slightly
- increased prone mouse speed a bit
- new walk and strafe animations
- added walk_backwards and crouch_walk_backwards animations
- added admin scoreboard icon (server reads steam ids from admins.txt and gives matching players an icon on the scoreboard)
- added next_rof and prev_rof commands (cycles through the fire modes without looping from auto -> safe, for example)
- the ROF the player had set at the end of the previous round is now remembered when the next round starts
- a player who has been kicked by a vote too many times gets banned (max vote kicks and ban duration set by server)
- added sv_maxvotekicks and sv_votebanlength to control the above point
- added bullet penetration
- All server log messages have been updated to use Steam IDs instead of WON IDs
- fixed team selection vgui not coming up automatically after map change
- disabled cl_bob, cl_bobcycle, and cl_bobup
- added variable hi_roundbreak; allows server to set the amount of time between rounds (default 3 seconds)
- added the back/forward arrows to the team selection menu. back = close, forward = auto team
- added a toggle crouch command. Bind a key to "duck_t", or use the controls menu.
- many other small fixes and tweaks
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