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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Genre: Action/Adventure
Publisher: Konami Europe (EU), Konami (US)
Developer: Mercury Steam
Release Date: Feb. 25, 2014 (US), Feb. 28, 2014 (EU)

About Judy

As WP's managing editor, I edit review and preview articles, attempt to keep up with the frantic pace of Rainier's news posts, and keep our reviewers on deadline, which is akin to herding cats. When I have a moment to myself and don't have my nose in a book, I like to play action/RPG, adventure and platforming games.


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'Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2' (ALL) - Features & Screens

by Judy on June 11, 2013 @ 12:52 p.m. PDT

While the original titles revealed the origin of Dracula and his legendary connection with the Belmonts, in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 fans can expect thrilling new twists and challenges.

For the first time in the Castlevania series, play as Dracula and uncover the secrets behind the Lords of Shadow saga.

Dracula has been resurrected, and he's being threatened by Satan, who wants to start the apocalypse and take revenge for his defeat. Dracula must reacquire his powers and make a pact with Death to defeat the Devil and gain eternal rest.

Also seeking Dracula's destruction is the Belmont family, who are looking for the truth behind their ancestry.

Key Features:

  • Play as Dracula for the first time. Collect deadly powers and abilities to devastate foes with strategic combat.
  • New environments. The world features deep exploration in a modern setting and the massive corridors of Dracula's castle.
  • New abilities. Change into mist, control enemies and disappear again.
  • Elaborate environments and boss battles. Traverse levels using platforming mechanics and engage in massive Titan fights with real-time physics.
  • Drink blood for eternal strength. Drinking the blood of your enemies fuels your abilities.

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