Just over 12 months since Binary9 Studios, ltd opened its doors, they are today forced to close them. Here is the clip:
By aiming ourselves at the GameBoy Advance market we intended to become a respected developer for that platform, but alas this was not to be. Over the year we've plowed a considerable about of cash into the firm which has been swallowed up by the creation of Designs and Prototypes for various games, some of which are previewed on our Current Projects page, these projects will now never see the light of day.
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'Binary9 Studios' - So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
by Thomas on Oct. 3, 2002 @ 6:23 p.m. PDT
Just over 12 months since Binary9 Studios, ltd opened its doors, they are today forced to close them. Here is the clip:
By aiming ourselves at the GameBoy Advance market we intended to become a respected developer for that platform, but alas this was not to be. Over the year we've plowed a considerable about of cash into the firm which has been swallowed up by the creation of Designs and Prototypes for various games, some of which are previewed on our Current Projects page, these projects will now never see the light of day.
By aiming ourselves at the GameBoy Advance market we intended to become a respected developer for that platform, but alas this was not to be. Over the year we've plowed a considerable about of cash into the firm which has been swallowed up by the creation of Designs and Prototypes for various games, some of which are previewed on our Current Projects page, these projects will now never see the light of day.
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