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PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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No One Lives Forever 2 - Update Patch & Map Pack Now Available

by Rainier on Nov. 26, 2002 @ 1:45 a.m. PST

Sierra has just released the 1.2 Update for No One Lives Forever 2, adding multiplayer deathmatch mode, dedicated server support and a host of other updates. This version is required for online play. Sierra simultaniously released the first map pack which includes a set of new maps not included with the No One Lives Forever 2 CD-ROM. Map Pack #1 requires installation of the 1.2 Update. Read more for details and links where to grab the goods ...
 Get the No One Lives Forever 1.2 patch off Worthplaying (14mb)

Get the No One Lives Forever 2 Map Pack off Worthplaying (32mb)

Get the No One Lives Forever 1.2 patch off Sierra's FTP(14mb)

Get the No One Lives Forever 2 Map Pack off Sierra's FTP(32mb)


  • Added Deathmatch support
  • Added Dedicated Server support
  • Fixed the Angry Kitty so it can now be shot to detonate
  • Armed Angry kitties are now much more noticeable
  • Added SCMD system for remote server maintenance
  • Changed the color of player chat from white to yellow for better visibility
  • Updated input code to handle both game pad and joystick devices under DirectInput 8.1
  • Players should no longer lose their animations when they die while leaning
  • Player Vehicles will now get removed properly when the level ends
  • Hitting F8 for screenshot will no longer count as "any key"
  • Fixed a bug where you could send empty chat messages
  • Fixed the bug that caused the player to play damage FX after they had died while taking special damage
  • Changed server directory listing for Internet games to only show the current maps file title, not the full path
  • Adding the same coop mission to the same campaign twice will no longer result in an in level that can't be completed
  • Fixed a bug where objects in certain levels would appear in the wrong place on some systems
  • Ammo Boxes will now disappear whenever any ammo is removed from them, and then re-spawn after the specified time with full ammo
  • Fixed a 3d sound issue where select and deselect sounds on weapons would play as if they were coming from the other players
  • Fixed player re-spawn points to reduce players spawning on top of one another
  • Fixed a bug where weapons would sometimes fail to fire if the fire key was pressed, released and then pressed again too quickly
  • Fixed an issue with the keyboard configuration where assigning some keys would cause others to become unassigned
  • Fixed player hit detection so that players crouched under geometry cannot be killed by shooting above their heads
  • Tweaked the range of certain weapon sounds

DeathMatch Map Descriptions:

  • Bollywood: An Indian movie theater/studio fire trap turned into a death trap. Adapted from the single player game. For 6 to 8 players.
  • Japan: A tranquil Japanese village, not so tranquil in a firefight! An original NOLF2 DM map, for 8 to 16 players.
  • Volkov's Lair: By the rockets' red glare! Play on this map of narrow catwalks surrounded by artificial lava. Adapted from the single player game. For 2 to 4 players.
  • Trailer Park: Return to Ohio for a shoot-'em-up around the trailers. Adapted from the single player game, for 4 to 6 players.
  • Unity: It's a free-for-all at headquarters. Adapted from the single player game, for 8 to 16 players.
  • Khios: Use the rifle to pick off opponents from the tower, or shoot your way through a melee in the ancient ruins. Adapted from the single player game. For 8 to 16 players.
  • Siberian Installation: A multi-level Russian killing zone. An original NOLF2 DM map for 8 to 16 players. o Siberia: Sniper rifles and snowmobiles, with plenty of locations for fast firefights. For 8 to 16 players. Based on the "Chill Kill" map from NOLF 1 multi-player.
  • Woodlands. Duck and cover in the rocks and trees, or make a dash to the cabin and the weapons stored within. For 8 to 16 players. An original NOLF2 DM map.

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