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Hearts of Iron Patch 1.02

by Thomas on Dec. 14, 2002 @ 10:37 a.m. PST

Strategy First has released a new patch for their WWII based strategy war title Hearts of Iron. Fixes include: interface and gameplay tweaks, generic bug fixes, AI fixes, scenario setup and events adjustments.. Read more below to download this 4.23MB patch and for a more detailed listing!


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Download from WorthPlaying HERE! (American Version)

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Download from Strategy First HERE! (American Version)

Download from ParadoxPlaza HERE! (Scandinavian Version)

* AI Fixes

** Land Forces AI

- Improved AI path finding to not go through no-infrastructure provinces if possible.
- Garrison AI overseas troop distribution scheme tweaked and debugged.
- AI beach garrison priorities further tweaked.
- AI retrieval of units from foreign provinces fixed.
- Garrison AI should now be a bit better at deploying mountain troops in mountains etc.
- Garrison AI should now deploy its troops more evenly.
- Garrison AI should now be less prone to ping-pong effects.
- Tweaked Germany's garrison AI to protect only relevant beaches (but those a bit better).
- Garrison AI should now try to move troops to provinces under attack (before a front is created - i.e. defense against invasion).
- Germany should now try to keep a small garrison against Yugoslavia.
- France should now guard its border with Belgium better.
- China should no longer garrison friendly borders but prioritize Japan.
- Germany should now keep a small garrison in Paris to avoid silly raids and paradrops triggering the "Liberation of France".
- After the "Bitter Peace" event, Germany and the USSR should not garrison as heavily against each other.
- Tweaked Japan's border garrison priorities.

- Front AI should no longer refrain from attacking deeper from beach heads (bugged "spearhead" check).
- AI should now be better at defending versus the player.
- AI should now be better at prioritizing between fronts.
- Two Front AI deadlock bugs fixed.
- When AI Fronts urgently request units, other fronts will now always comply if they have better odds than the requesting front.
- Front AI should now be even more careful about attacking forts.
- AI Fronts should now never consist of attrition provinces.
- Front AI should no longer forget troops and leave them behind the front line.
- A nasty crash bug in the Front AI was fixed.
- Front AI should now be better at attacking provinces ASAP and all attacking units should arrive simultaneously.
- Front AI should now sometimes abort planned attacks (movement into a province) if the enemy grows too strong there.
- Front AI should now be a bit better at leaving defense forces behind when attacking.
- Front AI should now redeploy its forces faster and better.
- Front AI should now retreat from battles when prudent, although more reluctantly if desperate and defending.
- Front AI now does an additional check before stealing units away from the garrison.
- The Scandinavian countries will no longer attack each other's provinces even if they are formally at war (as long as they are democratic and AI controlled).
- The Balkan states' Front AI is no longer defensive, although Hungary and Slovakia will not help Germany against Poland.
- AI shouldn't pour more divisions into an attack if it is no longer effective.
- AI should be a bit better at attacking the right kind of terrain with the right kind of unit.
- AI should now value militia units lower when calculating odds for attacks, etc.
- A better (high infra) arrival province is now chosen when fronts urgently request divisions.

** Naval Forces AI
- Targeting algorithm for invasion AI have been improved.
- Allied AI nations should now be better at knowing when/how to use invasions of mainland Europe.
- AI should concentrate troops much further in invasions now.
- AI should no longer move its ships or planes if it's under military control by a player.
- AI now cheats naval attrition. Enjoy :)
- Improved AI handling of transports.
- Improved the naval defending AI slightly.

** Air Force AI
- Improved air defense AI.
- Interception is now default task for pure fighter units.
- Air Strikes no longer called in against too heavily fortified provinces.
- The AI should now exploit the possibility of quick and repeated tactical bombing more.
- AI Tactical bombing plans should now be aborted against provinces the AI is retreating from.
- Improved AI for preserving air forces.
- The AI has now learned how to protect its air force from falling to the enemy on the ground.
- Tactical bomber units should no longer get "forgotten" in allied provinces.
- Fixed a problem with tactical bomber rebasing that occurred if there were more desired bomber locations than bomber units.

** Research AI
- Tweaked research priorities for Germany - will now do a bit more heavy aircraft research.

** Production AI
- Germany and the UK now improves its AA cover over high-density industrial provinces.
- AI countries should now be more likely to increase their industrial base if needed.
- AI will now de-emphasize research and start building land units, then just militia, as the situation grows more desperate.
- Tweaked the AI build preferences for most countries (mostly they now build more infantry and other land units).
- AI slightly better at building transports.
- Improved the world market AI slightly in wartimes.
- AI now does some price adaptation when buying on the world-market.
- Building new IC now costs 1 manpower.
- AI will now start to disband militia divisions if it runs out of manpower during peace time.

** Diplomacy AI
- Japan will no longer attack any Chinese nation allied with a greater power unless they are strong enough.
- Some AI countries will now send expeditionary forces to their allies at need.
- Finland and Romania should now usually join the axis if Germany is at war with the USSR and they have lost territories to the Soviets.
- Japan is now smarter about when to try to get the Indonesian oilfields.
- AI will no longer spam players with diplomatic offers.
- Japan is now slightly more stubborn when it comes to accepting peace.
- South Africa should now send expeditionary forces to help the British defend East Africa.
- Japan will no longer attack Dutch East Indies before winning in China.
- The allies now accept anyone willing to join them if they are at war with the axis.
- Tibet is now much less likely to secede provinces.
- Germany is now smarter about when to go to war with the Soviets.

* Scenario Setup & Events


- Spanish Civil War - Fascist Nation event increases N. Spain's leaning toward Fascism.
- Djibouti & Syria are now part of Vichy, when it is created from event.
- Major Worker Strike event now reduces IC, does not increase it.
- The Independence of India event will now only trigger if Germany is gone.
- The Finnish Winter War must have started by event for the Swedish Intervention events to happen.
- End of the Finnish Winter War event will not happen if FIN is allied with GER.
- Vichy event will no longer happen if Germany is at war with the Soviets.
- Lend-Lease events added for Nationalist China
- The Sian Incident event reintroduced.
- Soviet claims on Finland and the Baltic countries are now lost with The Bitter Peace event.
- The Vichy event shall not happen more than once now.
- Blunder with US election of 36 fixed.
- US Presidential Candidate Wendell Wilkie was of course LC and not LE.
- One of the events moving Soviet Industries has got one of its inherent provinces changed.
- Winter War event may not introduce Mannerheim as Chief of Staff and Chief of Army in Finland.
- Bitter Peace should now release Manchukuo from Soviet captivity.
- Soviet capital now moves to Novosibirsk in "the bitter peace".
- Soviets now cede Ocha and Kamtjatka to Japan in "the bitter peace".
- Italian event: Albania must exist for Albanian events to happen.
- Tweaked Vichy event a bit - now France cedes more provinces (in case they've actually taken some provinces from Germany.)
- USSR should no longer claim Bessarabia if at war with Germany.
- USSR should no longer attack Finland if at war with Germany.
- Sweden should no longer intervene for Finland if Finland is Axis.
- German events: The Treaty of Munich & The End of Czechoslovakia will not happen any more if GER and CZE are at war.
- The Independent Croatia events should now trigger correctly.
- The German End of Czech events changed so that the Slovak independence will trigger correctly.
- The Bitter Peace event should now give independence to most conceivable nations that Soviets can have conquered.
- Tweaked the trigger for the "Bitter Peace" event.

** 1936
- Finland got some more doctrines in the early scenarios.
- Communist China is now regarded as being in a civil war with Nationalist China. This has an effect if one should conquer the other.
- SIK and CHC are at war in 39 and 36.
- French Convoy Marseilles to Gabes corrected in the 1936 scenario.
- Fortress in Tobruk added.
- 3 Japanese techs duplicates removed from the 1936 scenario.
- Dutch CA 'Tromp' under development has been removed from the 1936 scenario.
- UK and Japan now starts 1936 scenario with DI.

** 1939
- Communist China is now regarded as being in a civil war with Nationalist China. This has an effect if one should conquer the other.
- CHC is at war with CHI in 39 and 41.
- SIK and CHC are at war in 39 and 36.
- Decreased cost for German and Italian ships under repair in 39&41 scenarios.
- San Ignacio now Bolivian not Brazilian in 39/41 scenarios.
- Fortress in Tobruk added.
- Hungary no longer has claims on 728, 729, 730 in 39 scenario.
- The Philippines is now playable in the 1939 scenario.
- The USA only has one Philippine Division in 1939 and it is correctly spelled in 1936.
- French 5th Army is moved from Nancy to Colmar in the 1939 scenario to stop the Germans from making unrealistic exploits into the Southern flank of the Maginotline.
- Germany now has a few transport units in the 1939 scenario.
- Canada now has naval doctrine Combat Unit Transport Procedure in the 1939 scenario.

** 1941
- Communist China is now regarded as being in a civil war with Nationalist China. This has an effect if one should conquer the other.
- CHC is at war with CHI in 39 and 41.
- Decreased cost for German and Italian ships under repair in 39&41 scenarios.
- San Ignacio now Bolivian, not Brazilian in 39/41 scenarios
- Move industry to Siberia events are now considered to have happened at the start of the 1941 scenario.
- The Croatian Independence event is now considered to have happened at the start of the 1941 scenario.
- Swiss fortresses increased.
- France in the 41 scenario now has its resource stockpile increased to be able to sustain until recapturing some territory.
- Two German techs removed from the 1941 scenario so that they don't get the V-weapons to early.
- Arctic Warfare removed from German Tech setup in 1941.
- Kristiansand fortress removed from Germany in the 1941 scenario.
- Bhutan, Nepal, Oman and Yemen are now UK puppets in 1941 scenario.
- Manchuria is now a Japanese Puppet also in the 1941 scenario.
- 2 German SS Cavalry divisions in the 1941 scenario given their correct names.
- A Vichy Submarine Unit was moved to Toulon in the 1941 scenario.
- Effects of events concerning moved Soviet factories implemented for 1941 scenario.
- A script error in the Portuguese 1941 scenario setup that made the army and navy exist in one unit removed.
- Germany now has the Infantry tech Penicillin in the 1941 scenario.

- Lots of new pictures added for leaders and ministers.
- South Africa now has access to the members of the Commonwealth.
- Rubber added to three Nationalist China provinces.
- French Army Leaders: Changed Chief of 9th Army to Gamelin, and chief of 7th Army to Weygand.
- Zjitomir now has clear terrain not Marsh.
- D'Ouessant no longer has a beach.
- Liberia (Monorovia) now has 40 rubber.
- French Air General Tetu is no longer leading land units in Orleans.
- Mannerheim added as viable chief of staff and chief of army in Finland.
- German Head of State (A.Hitler) now allows PA ministers.
- A number of Manchurian provinces have become Japanese in all scenarios.
- Japan now has garrisons in all her island possessions in all scenarios.
- Philippine Army is now correct for all scenarios both in placement and content.
- The Indonesian Minister file got a major update.
- Removed and/or modified certain ships under development for Argentine and Italy in 36, Italy and Germany in 39, and Germany in 41.
- Some sea zone name inconsistencies were fixed.
- Some ports in North America were moved.
- Honolulu is now jungle.
- Inner California now has the right climate.
- Most minor islands can now build fortresses.
- Many more names added for various nations' different models of airplanes.
- Some military leaders added for South Africa.
- Some missing naval leaders added for the USA.
- Corrected some Belgian and Canadian ministers.
- Siamese ministers added.
- Naval OOB revised for UK in all scenarios, removing most ships from build queues to not cripple the nation.
- Terrain changed in the USSR, Poland, Sweden and Finland.
- Kharkov/Donetsk names changed.
- Armor Tech: prereqs changed.
- Province Hohhot ownership/control changed from Japan to China.
- Marshall Islands no longer have 0 infrastructure.
- Petsamo now produces some steel to simulate the nickel production.
- Some Argentinean leaders were added.
- A large overhaul of leaders was done, adding traits and tweaking skills.
- Most nations should now have unique colors on their counters.
- Some countries (Spain, Sweden, Switzerland) will now be a bit more neutral.
- Italy is now smarter about when to go to war against the Balkans.
- An Air General that led a French land unit has been removed.
- The province info name of the province Donetsk should now be consistent.
- There is now a direct connection between Novgorod and Tallin.
- Italian Convoy to Rhodes had its path changed. A typo-o correction making it taking a trip to Los Angeles.

And lots of minor bugs and tweaks have been done.

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