The official 1503 A.D. community site has been updated with Part XI: In the King’s Halls. Here follows a sample from it:
"Elinor! Where are you?" My younger brother runs through the streets of our hometown excitedly. Sighing, I drop my book: my grandfather's diaries. The former King and founder of our town handed them over to me on my 20th birthday. Since that day, I have regularly been hiding from my noisy younger siblings in the library in order to read my grandfather's records in peace. Well, it seems like this is it for today... Read more.
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1503 A.D. Update - Part XI: In the Kings Halls
by Thomas on Feb. 26, 2002 @ 11:39 a.m. PST
The official 1503 A.D. community site has been updated with Part XI: In the King’s Halls. Here follows a sample from it:
"Elinor! Where are you?" My younger brother runs through the streets of our hometown excitedly. Sighing, I drop my book: my grandfather's diaries. The former King and founder of our town handed them over to me on my 20th birthday. Since that day, I have regularly been hiding from my noisy younger siblings in the library in order to read my grandfather's records in peace. Well, it seems like this is it for today... Read more.
"Elinor! Where are you?" My younger brother runs through the streets of our hometown excitedly. Sighing, I drop my book: my grandfather's diaries. The former King and founder of our town handed them over to me on my 20th birthday. Since that day, I have regularly been hiding from my noisy younger siblings in the library in order to read my grandfather's records in peace. Well, it seems like this is it for today... Read more.
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