Coming in two formats, GameArena can be launched either straight from the internet without any software downloads, or for ease of use and quick launching, also comes as a downloadable and installable application.
Some of the features included within GameArena at launch date include:
Comes in two flavors, Browser Based or Downloadable Application
Dedicated Server Browsing and Joining
Peer-to-Peer lobbying, game creation and joining
Instant Messaging
Integrated real-time chat facility
Fully Customizable Bookable Servers
Ability to add your own servers to the MPZ Master Server Lists
Ability to add personal favorite server and game lists
Player and Map searching
Rankings for all players and teams
Ladders and Competitions for all major titles (some with cash prizes)
Daily news and features for each of the main titles
Full integration into existing MPZ network sites and services
Support for all major titles, as well as free and web based games.
Completely FREE to download and use
For more information or to get started with GameArena visit:
GameArena: Online gaming made easy...