Wolfenstein Multiplayer Stuff
I am currently testing the new Dedicated Only Server, (Win32) that should hopefully be released in the near future, on my MP_BASE and MP_DESTRUCTION Servers.
This will be a relatively small 27mb download for people who wish to run Wolf Servers without having to copy the entire game directory onto a server machine.
Furthermore, I'm working with Tony Ray of Even Balance (Punkbuster) to implement server administration tools via a web browser.
Right now, it only allows kicking and banning of users remotely, but if it takes off, server admins should be able to change any settings on their servers via a webpage. I'm currently testing the new Punkbuster stuff on both
my Base and Destruction servers. If it ends up working well, it will more than likely make it's way into a future release of Punkbuster !
We would *GREATLY* appreciate it if people could bang on the servers for the next day or so to see if any bugs crop up. If it's stable for the next 24 hours or so, I'll go ahead and update my Beach, Ice and Trench Toast Servers.
The two servers currently being tested with the new stuff are at; - Xian's MP_DESTRUCTION Server - Xian's MP_BASE Server
Stats and Forums for my servers are available at;
If anyone encounters any problems with both those servers, please email me at xian@idsoftware.com with any issues.
Thanks !