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UT 2k3 Demo Delayed!

by Thomas on May 26, 2002 @ 10:39 a.m. PDT

Epic Games Mark Rein let us know that the demo of Unreal Tournament 2003 isn't quite ready yet. It will probably be a few weeks before they are ready to release it. Full scoop below!

The Unreal games had an excellent showing. Glen Miner from Digital Extremes did an awesome stage show that got drew very large crowds and it was often hard to get to play on one of the UT2003 stations in the Infogrames booth. It was also showing at Intel (on a Matrox Parhelia 512 with a TRIPLE monitor display), AMD, ATI (on their desktops and laptops) and Nvidia who showed it on desktops, laptops and on their big HDTV plasma display.

Unreal Championship was on more Xboxes than ANY other game in the Microsoft booth! They had six stations playing through Xbox Live using the voice communicators. There were long line-ups to play the game all throughout the show.

Unreal 2 was shown on the big stage each day as well as upstairs in private showings at Infogrames' booth. Judging by the web press people were pretty impressed.

The demo isn't quite ready yet. It will probably be a few weeks before we're ready to release it.

There were lots of really awesome games at the show, too many to mention them all but my personal stand-outs were the Dead or Alive volleyball game for Xbox, Metroid Prime on Gamecube, Madden 2003 (playing networked!) on PS2, NFL Fever (networked!) on Xbox, the new Harry Potter games on PC and Gamecube, True Crimes on PS2, Steel Batallions on Xbox and, saving the best for last, DOOM III which was awesome.

We're working hard on all kinds of cool things for UT2003 right now. Expect to start seeing some announcements within the next few weeks.

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