Tim Brooks, President of Shrapnel Games, said, "A problem with the manual file has caused us a slight delay. We were unable to meet the original press schedule and had to reschedule the printing of the manual. I think everyone will be pleased with the look and content of the Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory manual, which weighs in at 116 pages. We want to apologize to the fans of this game for the delay in the release date."
Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory is the latest in the line of computer wargames based on the award winning Sid Meiers' "Gettysburg" engine. We were fortunate to have this great base to work with and we've added significantly to it. Listed below are just some of the improvements that have been added to the newest game in The Greatest Battles Series.
* Three completely new armies - French, Russian, and Austrian
* Exhaustively researched historical data and army Order of Battles
* Over 25 "historical" and "speculative" scenarios
* Design your own "random" battles
* Use the "Randomizer" to generate battles automatically (useful for Multiplay games)
* Historical landmarks featuring the Pratzen Heights, the Pheasantry, and Sokolnitz castle
* Improved solider animation
* Multiplayer allows up to 8 players over LAN or Internet
* Artwork of famed Napoleonic artist Keith Rocco
* New command and control system
* Displaying battlefield conditions (i.e. fog and time of day)
Austerlitz: Napoleon's Greatest Victory will ship on July 8, 2002. A demo is available for download on Shrapnel Games website. The retail price will is $44.95.