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'IGI 2: Covert Strike' - Updated MP Beta Test

by Thomas on Feb. 10, 2003 @ 6:22 a.m. PST

The new version of the IGI 2: Covert Strike Multiplayer Beta Test embraces a lot of feedback received from Beta Test players from the earlier version. The new code includes many game balancing tweaks, such as changes to damage levels and rate of fire, as well as changes to the mission itself... Read more for download links!

Get the Project IGI2 MP Demo 2 off Worthplaying (116mb)

USA Link <--> European Link

Other Mirrors

Get the Project IGI2 MP Demo 2 off 3DGamers (116mb)

Get the Project IGI2 MP Demo 2 off Codemasters (116mb)


Delivering dynamic multi-objective team-based combat, gameplay pits IGI (Institute for Geotactical Intelligence) operatives against the Conspiracy terrorist group. This public Multiplayer Beta Test features the "Timberland" map and calls for stealth and weapon skills. In Timberland, the IGI operatives' aim is to sabotage an old mineral plant that the Conspiracy is using as a cover to extract uranium for covert weapons manufacturing.

The Multiplayer Beta Test code allows for 16 players online and 32 players on LAN, across the two teams, but has no upper limit, and features full in-game chat functionality.

Codemasters will publish IGI 2: Covert Strike on February 21 2003 for PC CD-ROM.


Run 'setup.exe' making sure that the file 'dsetup.dll' is in the same directory.
You will be prompted for your choice of language for the installer program - select it from the list.
You will then be asked to enter the directory you wish to install the game to.


After you install "Project IGI2: Covert Strike - Multiplayer Demo" there will be an "IGI 2 Multiplayer Demo" shortcut on your desktop. Double-click this to
start the game. Alternatively you can start the game by going to: Start Menu -> Programs -> Codemasters -> IGI 2 Multiplayer Demo -> Play IGI 2 Multiplayer Demo.


Control A Control B

Move Forwards W Arrow Up
Move Backwards S Arrow Down
Move Left A Arrow Left
Move Right D Arrow Right
Turn Left X
Turn Right C
Jump SPACE NumPad 0
Crouch Left SHIFT Right CONTROL
Raise Stance Q INSERT
Lower Stance Z DELETE
Toggle Walk/Run CAPS LOCK END

Actions & Equipment:

Action E Right SHIFT
Peek Numpad .
Binoculars B HOME
Zoom In H Mouse Wheel UP
Zoom Out N Mouse Wheel DOWN
Thermal Goggles T PAGE UP
View Map M NumPad ENTER
View Log L
View Objectives O
Contact IGI HQ I
Quick Load F7


Alternate Fire Right MOUSE BUTTON
Next Weapon F ]
Previous Weapon V #
Drop Weapon G PAGE DOWN
Select Primary Weapon 1 NumPad 1
Select Sidearm 2 NumPad 2
Select Knife 3 NumPad 3
Select Grenades 4 NumPad 4
Inventory 0 NumPad /


(i) Minimum Requirements
(ii) Recommended Requirements
(iii) Supported Graphics Cards

(i) Minimum Requirements

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
DirectX 8.1
Pentium III or Athlon at 700Mhz
128Mb RAM
Supported 32Mb Graphics Card
DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card
1.9Gb Hard Disk Space
(1.4Gb for game, 500Mb free after installation)

(ii) Recommended Requirements

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
DirectX 8.1
Pentium 3/4 or Athlon at 1.2Ghz
512Mb RAM
Supported 64Mb Graphics Card
DirectX 8.1 Compatible Sound Card
32x CD-ROM
1.9Gb Hard Disk Space
(1.4Gb for game, 500Mb free after installation)

(iii) Supported Graphics Cards

3dfx Voodoo 4/5
ATI Radeon, Radeon 7xxx/8xxx/9xxx
Matrox G400, G450, G550, Parhelia
Nvidia Riva TNT 2, GeForce 256/2/3/4
SiS Xabre


  • ATi Radeon 8500
    • DESCRIPTION: Game displays graphical distortion with Force Software Vertex Processing set to YES. There may also be graphical issues with Radeon 7200, 7500 cards.
    • SOLUTION: Graphical options must have Force Software Vertex Processing to YES in order to run the game with this card with the latest drivers. Unfortunately this causes graphical errors.
  • Uninstaller doesn't remove entire game
    • DECRIPTION: When the game is uninstalled, the igi2.exe is left behind.
    • SOLUTION: Delete the file manually.
  • Terrain morphs as the player moves around/distant players seem to be walking in the air
    • DESCRIPTION: As the player walks around they see the landscape stretching and growing in the distance.
    • SOLUTION: Increase the terrain detail level by using Terrain Detail slider in the Graphics Configuration menu. (Available only when Graphics Detail is in Custom position)
  • Game locks up/reboots PC on loading a level with Radeon cards
    • DESCRIPTION: Game locks up or reboots machine immediately after a level is loaded when using ATI Radeon 8500, 9000.
    • SOLUTION: Install latest Catalyst drivers. If it is not possible, enable "Force Software Vertex Processing" in the Graphics Configuration menu.
  • Terrain and water have wrong colours or texture flickering
    • DESCRIPTION: Terrain or water have incorrect colours or texture flicking on nVidia GForce3 or GForce4 Ti.
    • SOLUTION: Make sure that "Force Software Vertex Processing" option in the advanced options menu is unchecked.
  • Slow framerate on Voodoo 5
    • DESCRIPTION: Choppy framerate, big slowdowns when running the game on Voodoo5.
    • SOLUTION: Set "Disable texture compression" option in the advanced options to "No". Pull "Texture detail" slider menu to the left in order to decrease texture resolution.

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