Headhunter: Redemption is the gripping story of Jack Wade, a veteran Headhunter keeping order in a futuristic world overrun with unchecked consumerism, vicious organized crime and mind-controlling mass media. When Jack and his protégé, the sassy, streetwise Leeza X, stumble upon an arms smuggling operation that threatens the status quo, they must work together to deliver an oblivious world from impending catastrophe, confronting their darkest fears beneath a chilling shroud of evil that blankets the city.
Taking place in a world divided, Headhunter: Redemption features two disparate, symbiotic realities – "Above" and "Below." "Above" is a glittering metropolis of glass and steel towers, whose citizens are controlled by ever-present media and the powerful corporations behind it. "Below" is a subterranean colony, home to criminals, undesirables and misfits, sent down by the society "Above" to work in return for the right to survive.
"Headhunter: Redemption's execution of content delivers a unique gaming experience. Combining stunning locations, an original storyline and highly developed character design inspired by the best action movie blockbusters of today, Headhunter: Redemption brings true cinematic qualities to the games market," said Mathew Quaeck, European Product Manager, SEGA Europe, Ltd.
The sequel to the acclaimed SEGA DreamcastTM and PlayStation 2 release HeadhunterTM, Headhunter: Redemption continues the story of the first game 20 years after the devastation caused by the Bloody Mary virus.
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