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'Starships Unlimited: Divided Galaxies' - Facts & Screens

by Thomas on April 30, 2003 @ 12:22 a.m. PDT

Starships Unlimited: Divided Galaxies (SU:DG) is a Sci-Fi based, classic "4X" (eXplore, eXploit, eXpand, eXterminate) game, offering players an infinite variety of gameplay through the player-defined variables as each new game is set up. Players design their starships for different tasks, then begin exploring the galaxy, and using the alien artifacts that are discovered to support research efforts that will give an advantage in the "space race" to outmanoeuvre and outwit your opponents. If your military might is not enough, you can use diplomacy and espionage to achieve total domination and unite the Divided Galaxies under your control.

About Starships Unlimited: Divided Galaxies

The game is created from the new game set up screen. In this players can adjust many variables, such as the shape and size of the galaxy, together with the number of opponents, difficulty level and random factors. Once the game is started, the player will have to adapt his strategy according to the above factors: For example, if playing in a Ring galaxy, he may find himself sandwiched between 2 enemies making for a very tough game fighting on 2 fronts, or he may find one is a potential friend who he can ally himself with, while he defeats the other opponent.

Exploration strategies are also important: should a player head for the furthest stars first in an effort to deprive his enemy of the resources, but slow down his own resource flow as a result, or should he capture the nearest stars first and use the resources to outpace his opponent? It is the very fact that there is no "perfect" strategy that makes this game so much fun.

The game contains an excellent tutorial system that will pause the game and present the player with the information he requires to make the decision necessary before continuing the game.

The game also has a high degree of automation that reduces the amount of micro-management the player will be required to undertake. Spaceships, for example will automatically upgrade if better technology is available.

Research strategies can also impact the game: what will happen if you have only researched anti-beam weapon defences, and you meet an enemy whose ships are bristling with nuclear missiles and torpedoes.

Players may also use diplomacy and espionage to undermine their opponents and strengthen their friendships.

Release May 2003

Minimum Requirements:
Windows 95/98/Me/2000/NT4 SP4/XP
DirectX 8
Pentium II-500
16bit Direct Sound Compatible Soundcard
2Mb Video Graphics Card 8bit Colour
8x CD Rom
300Mb free Hard Disk space
SU:DG works in 800x600 resolution

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