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NGC Review - 'Burnout 2: Point of Impact'

by The Cookie Snatcher on May 28, 2003 @ 11:19 p.m. PDT

Gamecube fans can leave their sanity at the starting grid and prepare for the white-knuckle ride of their life. The Gamecube version of Burnout 2: Point of Impact boasts major improvements and is all set to take pole position as the best driving game on the console, taking the genre to a new level, with stunning graphics, white-knuckle foot-to-the-floor gameplay and improved crash-scene carnage. Read more and find out what the jury thought of it ...

Genre: Racing
Publisher: Acclaim
Developer: Criterion Studios
Release Date: April 9, 2003

Buy 'BURNOUT 2': Xbox | GameCube | PlayStation 2

Criterion Studios has come a long way in the past few years in regards to actually developing videogames, they haven’t released a whole lot of titles so far, choosing rather to merely assist in development via their well-known Renderware engine, but of the titles they have developed one thing is for sure: they have gotten progressively better. Sure the first Burnout, which was originally released on the PS2, was an amazing game in its own right but this game outdoes it in virtually every conceivable way. The crashes are more spectacular, the control is tighter, and the visuals are right up there with the recently released Midnight Club 2. Burnout 2 is hands-down the best arcade racer that can be found on the GameCube.

Part of Burnout 2’s appeal comes in the form of its Burn Meter system; by performing death-defying maneuvers and power-slides your Burn Meter will gradually fill. Once the Burn Meter is full you can initiate a super-cool nitro boost, making the surroundings melt away into a frenzied blur of high-octane speed. Most of the levels in the game are of the racing persuasion so you’ll want to use boosts as much as possible in order to stay at the head of the pack. Notice I said “most” of the levels: some stages break away from the standard racing style and place you in a pursuit scenario where you’ll play the part of cop and chase down the opponent, crashing into him repeatedly until he cries “uncle” like the little bitch that he is.

There are four distinct things you can do to fill up your Burn Meter, and they all have one thing in common: they should never be attempted in real-life, don’t do it, resist the urge no matter the level of temptation – except maybe power-sliding which can be both fun and educational. But I digress. The four ways to fill up your Burn Meter are driving on the wrong side of the road, performing near crashes, keeping your wheels off the ground, and, of course, power-sliding. Being awarded for driving recklessly adds an awesome sense of strategy to the game that hasn’t yet been fully realized to this extent in other franchises like Crazy Taxi, Midnight Racing, or Project Gotham Racing.

There are a total of 21 unique vehicles that you can get behind the wheel of. They are all unlicensed fictional rides but are quite similar in design to some real-life models. But since they aren’t technically representative of actual cars, the developers were free to add incredible crash physics, displaying different levels of detailed body damage during particularly nasty fender benders – something that automobile manufacturers traditionally forbid in digital form. Of the more notable cars in Burnout 2’s lineup is the police car with working lights and sirens, a surprisingly well-rounded student-driver car, and vintage vehicles that are based off designs from the 1920’s and 1950’s.

Initially the only mode of play available is Offensive Driving 101, this is a mandatory training course that will familiarize you with the game’s unique dynamics. Upon completing the training mode, you’ll be able to play through Championship mode, and this is where you’ll find the majority of action in the game. You’ll be put through your paces in a variety of challenges, new challenges will become available as you progress. This is also where you’ll be able to unlock new rides, tracks, and modes of play. Other, less notable yet wildly entertaining modes include Single Race, Time Attack, Crash, and Chase. The latter two, Crash and Chase, are the better of the four. Single Race is just a quick one-player race, and Time Attack is a beat-your-best-time mode of play. Chase mode is the aforementioned pursuit-style action wherein one player will be the cop and the other player the criminal. Crash mode is an insane addition, the objective here is to rack up the most amount of monetary damage possible via vehicular lunacy. You’ll be given a certain area of a level and a certain amount of time to cause the most devastating wreck possible; the more collateral damage you cause the bigger the points you’ll be rewarded. And as an extra bonus for the GameCube, Burnout 2 includes way more of these Crash levels than was present in the original PS2 game.

I don’t know how the developers achieved the level of texture quality, anti-aliasing, and reflection techniques that this game sports, but it looks downright jaw-dropping. While the PS2 version was entirely impressive in its own right, it’s surprising to witness just how well Criterion Studios ported it over to Nintendo’s proprietary hardware; usually minor flaws can be present in ports of games that were specifically developed for other systems, but not so here. Also, owners of high-end Hi-Scan or HDTV sets can take advantage of Burnout 2’s progressive scan option, which ups the on-screen resolution considerably. Again, how they got it to run at such high resolutions while kicking out a constant 60 frames per second is something I couldn’t even begin to understand.

The music in Burnout 2 lends itself nicely to the adrenaline-inducing action, and whenever you initiate a nitro boost the music cranks up and adds an entirely new instrumental track to the tune. This dynamic musical element is a great addition and will be appreciated in the same way SSX Tricky adds new musical tracks as you do better in the game. And finally, to put the nail in the coffin, the sound effects are spot-on realistic and only serve to further to lubricate the transition into full-on immersion.

No matter how you choose to play Burnout 2 – Championship, Chase, or Crash -- the ultra-responsive gameplay will shine through as the pinnacle of arcade-racing perfection. Like the Crazy Taxi games, it is possible to weave in and out of traffic, tight spots, and come within hair’s length from hitting an opposing vehicle. That, coupled with a constant 60 frames per second, unbelievable sense of speed, and super-realistic physics equates to an experience that I can confidently recommend as a must-buy.

Score: 9.0/10

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