Nicelycrafted let us know that all their game servers have been upgraded, and there is a client release to support all the new features - you can get it from their FTP here! Major changes with this release are as follows:
Shadoo Quantum Nets now possible! A silo upgrade and a whole new building reveal that the Shadoo have access to the Quantum Net technology thought to be exclusive to the Cog ...
Shadoo Battlebomber blueprints discovered. All Shadoo Vehicle Constructors can now build this formidable island attack ship.
Battle platform Stone Processor now available.
All vehicles can now be given the 'stay with' command. Vehicles built by a Battle platform vehicle constructor now automatically 'stay with' the platform
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'Time of Defiance' New Client 4.431 Available
by Thomas on May 9, 2003 @ 6:45 a.m. PDT
Nicelycrafted let us know that all their game servers have been upgraded, and there is a client release to support all the new features - you can get it from their FTP here! Major changes with this release are as follows:
Shadoo Quantum Nets now possible! A silo upgrade and a whole new building reveal that the Shadoo have access to the Quantum Net technology thought to be exclusive to the Cog ...
Shadoo Battlebomber blueprints discovered. All Shadoo Vehicle Constructors can now build this formidable island attack ship.
Battle platform Stone Processor now available.
All vehicles can now be given the 'stay with' command. Vehicles built by a Battle platform vehicle constructor now automatically 'stay with' the platform
Shadoo Quantum Nets now possible! A silo upgrade and a whole new building reveal that the Shadoo have access to the Quantum Net technology thought to be exclusive to the Cog ...
Shadoo Battlebomber blueprints discovered. All Shadoo Vehicle Constructors can now build this formidable island attack ship.
Battle platform Stone Processor now available.
All vehicles can now be given the 'stay with' command. Vehicles built by a Battle platform vehicle constructor now automatically 'stay with' the platform
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