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Platform(s): Arcade, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Nintendo DS, PC, PSOne, PSP, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360
Genre: Simulation

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PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'X-Plane' - Update Patch/Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on July 26, 2003 @ 3:34 p.m. PDT

Get the X-Plane v7.0 Update/Demo off worthplaying (110mb)

X-Plane by Laminar Research - playable demo/upgrade v7.00


New icing model... see the new equipment in P0lane-Maker to see all the new systems available. The modelling of nature has been expanded to match the new
equipment options for the plane. This include airframe ice, pitot ice, propeller ice, windhshield ice, and engine inlet ice, with the effects on the plane in flight, and systems required to combat it!

New weapons type: drop tank! Put in the fuel you like, and even new fuel gages on the panel to check out the fuel inside! of course, all the mass and inertia
characterisitcs are simulated, and the tanks can be jettisoned.

Acf2 bmp for the misc wings and bodies! Check it out in the instructions fodler. Misc body 1 and 2 are already in the main acf bitmap, but all the others, and all the misc wings, are now in the new one!

New fms plan format: simply text so you can easily check and edit by hand.

Lower ram reqmnt.

Various minor bugs fixes and optimizations, including more detail in fuel tank distribution in Plane-Maker, finer throttle resolution, ability to cancel quickflight and airport placement, etc.

New for 7.00 RC-1 since Beta-3:

All-new interface! We now have a new interface by Sergio! It is better-looking and leaves more room for new controls in the same 1024x768 package! This new interface really takes the UI to the next level, speeding use as well with a number of quick TABS to quickly see what you like.

More BIG framerate optimiztions. Take any plane with a moving map (like an airliner) and set really low rendering options and low visiblity, so the framerate is heavily dependent on the cockpit instrumentation (with not a lot of other stuff in the way). Check the framerate in beta5 vs RC-1... RC-1 is almost ONE HUNDRED PERCENT FASTER! WOW! And it is not just faster, but also SMOOTHER! The workload is now more evenly distrubted for less "hiccups" in the framerate. This shows up in steep turns the most as your viewpoint sweeps across the terrain.

So, this RC is better looking, quicker to use, faster-running, and smoother-running... with no change in the resolution or system requirements!


Also, we knock down some simple bugs and feature-fill-outs, like:

perfectly-accurate dip error in the compass (lead/lag in the turns)

more joystick buttons
taxi light now available by UDP
various map improvements

framerate with basic terrain-rendering up 33% in moderate vis
framerate with basic terrain-rendering up 37% in high vis
framerate with vectors (linear roads, etc) up 46%
framerate with basic 3-D clouds up 56%
framerate with really detailed 3-D clouds up 42%
framerate with hi auto-gen detail up 100%
framerate with many runways up 15% above the basic terrain case

AWESOME new feature.. check out the "other aircraft" option in the Settings menu... set up what the other craft are for various refueling/carriage options... maybe you don't want top drop from a b52 in an x-15, but instead want to drop from the White Knight in SpaceShip One... or get towed aloft be a different plane than a fast racy Lancair... set up your airplanes, speeds, altitudes, and headings for all that stuff right here!

New engine rpm gages... now you can choose gages to indicate engine or prop RPM... or BOTH!

Helo tach now indicates rotor not engine rpm as it should.

Helo fadecs more accurate: they no longer allow engine drop-off if the rotor overspeeds.

When you turn on the FADEC on those helos from an idling condition it eases the throttle in more gradually rather than firewalling it in a desperate attempt to
yank you up to oeprational RPM.

In engine-2 screen in PM, specify if each prop or jet vectors or not with the thrust vector. ...but now you have to go activate this for each of your existing VTOLs!

Further helo clutch handling improvements.

Plane-Maker: For the misc wings, set up each wing as either left or right, as you like.

New airport type: helipad... see the end of the apt.dat file for examples... no airport fences around them.

Improved FMS management... navigate from fix-to-fix, etc.

New improved runway textures by Sergio.

Sound improvements... get in there with your custom engine and prop sounds, and set the recording rpm in Plane-Maker engine 3 screen, to get them perfect!
Even record seperate tail-rotor sounds for helos at the operational rpm of the helo, and enter the operational rpm of the main rotor as the recording rpm in

Projective-textured taxiways, so we do not get that "patchwork" effect of many different tiles.

New control-keys to control the GPS and helo clutch. See the resources/keys folder the list.

More stars in the sky at night, with better distribution / Plane-Maker now shows all aircraft lights for placement
No more other airplanes going into "tunnel-boring mode" and tooling happily along, deep underground
No more gyroplanes running up to full power on you with runaway FADECs
No more extra "bmp" on the end of the texture starting points in plane-maker /
Oil rig lights drawn at right height.
Instrument panel "pink-edge" solved / No more rivers rising up to form "bridges" over water. It was funny to look at, though mach hold allows mach
nnumbers above 1.0 / fuel selector always starts off in good default position
QFL screen operative all resolutions / rudders always go in right direction
when placed on the wings different lo and hi enroute maps with airways
appropriate for the altitude

New for 7.00 Beta-3 since Beta-2:

Improved lakebed textures for that flying at Edwards. New joystick button: toggle ignition. This runs you through the available
ignition settings.
Real-Weather scanning about 1000 times faster. (not 1000% faster... 1000 TIMES faster). What used to take about a minute of reading is now done in less time
than you can see.
Other planes keep their lite on below 10k if they are jets.
New zoom method that works with airliners and lite planes to increase the out-the-window view when you hit 'w' twice.
Longer airway names allowed.
Sectional chart has colors refind a bit to be a bit more accurate.
Vapour trails from the engine are 100% more solid.
New instrument: artificial horizon with low-vacuum warning flag.,. Select it in Plane-Maker then yank the engine(s) or fail the vac system to see it.

No more old panel being left over from previous plane. / Fadecs inited to ON.
New PNG files should ok on OS-9. / Various labels and stuff fxed.
Glider tow operational. / Have all the guns you want on the craft... only 1 at a time was firing for beta-2.
No more "cant set sound frq" error / Geared engine now putting out rated power to the props.
Plane-Maker can load bakcground images.. bmp or png / No more "square" cloud in overcast conditions

New for 7.00 Beta-2 since Beta-1:

Weapons can now go directly in the aircraft folder, and you can fire or drop them. (space bar) All aero and mass properties (including assymetric layouts)
of the weapons are carried over to the aircraft wheile they are in carriage. Set up your weapons loading in the new Weapons Loadout windows in the Settings

The Japanese Anime in the Science Fiction folder makes for an interesting demo experience indeed! A 40,000 plane with tons of thrust carrying 100,000 lb of
bombs... WOW! The shifts in CG and drag as the 10 bombs release one at a time is really cool! Remember the little button near the chutes in the Japanese
Anime is a "vertical boost" button... It hits a vertical rocket for jump take-offs!

Also try experimenting with the last option in the View menu to track bombs and missiles though their flight.

Also try the TV-Guided missiles and bombs... and use the little white cross-hairs under the screen to guid the missiles and bombs... as long as they are selected as TV-Guided in Plane-Maker of course, and have control sizes and deflections.

=>25% faster clouds.

=>Set the rpm and speed that your engine and wind noise (if custom) were recorded at in Plane-Maker to get them perfect in the sim!

=>Material properties added to the obj7 struct: Set the ambient, diffuse, specular, and emmision colors, as weel as shininess! Use this to tune windows,
shiny vs dull surfaces, etc.

=>Manual helo clutches take 20 seconds to engage or disengage, as in reality

=>Variable-incidence wings now supported... see the Wings windows in the Expert menu in Plane-Maker, and be sure to apply an incidence handle in the panel

=>flaps now increse the effective angle of attack on the wings... so you stall at a LOWER angle of attack (though HIGHER coefficient of lift) with flaps down,
as in reality. The more the flaps lift, the more the reduction in stalling angle of attack.

=>More Windows Joystick support... we now support up to 3 devices, and hat switches as well.

=>New switch to open or close the water scoops. For fire-fighting, open the scoops, then skim the water... Watch the water level rise in the water level indicator (supplementary instrument folder). Then hit the jettision button to jettison the water load... specify the jettisonable payload is water in the Weight and Balance window.

=>Improved handling of the REND struct to use X-Plane as a visual renderer... Scaled Composites is the first customer diving into this area.

=>Auto-link of rudders to ailerons in the Special Controls window in Plane-Maker, as used in the Ercoupe.

=>Enter a "Strut Compression" in the "Landing Gear" window in Plane-Maker... this controls how much the struts get compressed during gear retraction. This
is done in the F-4, for example.

=>Smoke trails from airplane last longer, as requested.

=>New gear type: 2 in front 4 in back. Used in C-5 Galaxy.

=>Joystick range only set when the joystick window is open... thus the calibration is not lost by random joystick noise later.

=>Airfoil-selection improved.., the current location for foil-searching is remembered as long as the foil-section window is open.

=>New prop type: VTOL CYCLIC... this goes on planes like the V-22 and Bell 609... this has been auto-sleectedd in the past but is now manual so you can
get the props you want where you want them. Just FYI!

=>Speedbrake motion shown in Plane-Maker with "View with Movingg Surfaces" on... helps with placement.

=>All the Misc Wings can now have variable sweep, dihedral, etc.

=>Cloud shadows in the terrain added for Cirrus clouds now... including motion over time.

=>Plane-Maker now lets you copy misc bodies, jsut like you can with Nacelles.

=>Support for PNG files... this file format lets you store alpha (transparency) as a channel, thus freeing you from the purple use for transaprrency in the past. Try it out! (but be warned, X-Plane will not down-sample to lower res settings like it will for bitmaps, so the RAM usage is the same as for a bitmap at EXTREME RES!

=>When in forward view, just hit 'w' again to get a "lookup" forward view to look up and see more out the window.

CONTROL-q map: enroute map
CONTROL-w map: sectional map
CONTROL-e map: weather radar map
CONTROL-r map: textured map
CONTROL-t map: elevation spectrum map
CONTROL-y map: three-view map

CONTROL-f now activates any failures that you set in the failure screens to activate on the keypress


-no more bouncing glideslope needle.
-no more autopilot bounce when you return to the cockpit from an external view.
-airport seclection, quick-flight window, Briefer, and World-Maker all accept typed airport names now.
-no more backwards runway L/C/R indications.
-no more continuous-loop crash when you bite it, as sometimes happened before.
-fuselage lift limited to reasonable shapes
-no more wings sometimes showing up "thin" in Plane-Maker
-perfectly-accurate distance
-ding the helo tail rotor on the ground and it will fail
-wingtip fold now goes in right direction both sides
-seaplane rudders oeprtional
-no more tial rotor or autogyro propulsive prop moving with collective input
-no more error-out if yo try to switch to Mars with airways or fixes turned on... it is reasonable to say that no airways or fixes are yet established there.



TOTALLY-UNLIMITED numbers of global airports, navaids, airways, fixes, custom objects, number of polygons per custom object, roads, railroads, trails,
rivers, taxiways, and powerlines! These things are now limited only by system RAM, with no other limits at all!

Version 6.x allowed 100 LOCAL airports now. This is now DOUBLED for version 7.x.

Despite the above, VERSION 7 LOADS FASTER, RUNS FASTER, and RUNS SMOOTHER than 6.x.

Heavy frame-rate optimizations FOR HIGHER FRAME-RATE but also... workload is now distributed more evenly across each frame for more SMOOTH AND CONTINUOUS flight: no "jerks".

Experimental new 3-D, volumetric scattered and broken clouds. This is supposed to be impossible, but It's still done. These clouds are 3-D and volumetric.
They absorb and reflect sunlight, are dark underneath, give a sense of speed as you fly through them, and cast accurate shadows for their formation and time of
day. Set the time of day to noon... then hit the k/l keys to change the time of day... and watch the shadows of the clouds race across the terrain in hi-speed as the time advances! Go to the RENDERING OPTIONS SCREEN to set up the clouds to max out your machine. Be sure to turn ON the shadows if they are not already.

Awesome new weather effects including:

Snow, where we track every snowflake near the plane falling in 3-D. Done with high frame-rate and low RAM. Rain, where we track every raindrop near the
plane falling in 3-D. Done with high frame-rate and low RAM. Hail, where we track every pellet near the plane falling in 3-D. Done with high frame-rate and
low RAM.

Hail to damages the windshield, pockmarking it with damage as you fly too close to thunderstormsin the right temperatures. If the plane is covered in ice (Leading-Edge temp between -20 and 0 degrees C, as you can see on the ambient temp data output) then the windshield will cover with ice over so you can
hardly see out the front! It is a semi-opaque effect that partially blocks all view out the window! More realistic aircraft icing model that takes the speed
of the craft and any associated wingheating from atmospheric friction into account.

You see all the little scratches on the windshield when pointed at the sun... This is a serious factor when landing pointing into the sun in reality... The scratches make it hard to fly a final and flare when you can hardly see anything for the glare from the sun and the scratches in the windshield!

Cirrus clouds move with the wind.

Cool new landing lites that work perfectly in all orientations and locations, lighting up the RUNWAY AND THE TERRAIN. They light everything up smoothly and accurately in all locations and angles, unlike any landing light we have seen in any flight sim, EVER.

In Plane-Maker, specify the landing light strength and width to get the feeble lites of light planes or the floodlight power of the heavy metal planes!(...and ditto all this for a taxi light).

Have any number of planes in the sky with you up to 10. (AND, if you choose NOT to have any other planes, then the sim will load faster since it will not ever
even load any other aircraft!) As with all the new data, X-Plane will only load what it needs to based on your settings in the RENDERING OPTIONS screen.


excellent new acf format but still reads in NEW AND OLD formats no problem! V6 airplanes fly just fine in V7 with NO changes!

In the new ACF format, which must is totally reverse-compatible, you get:

=>SIX landing gear (not "just" 5) so you can get the gear on those B-52's just right.
=>Variable control surface ratios! If you want the control surface to be really wide at the root, and narrow at the tip, or the other way around, or the
same chord for their entire length.This new technology will allow you to get the rudder shaped just right.
=>The ability to specify the thrust-vector minimum and maximum vector... we no longer assume 0 to 120... so now you can get it perfect for my plane!
=>The ability to specify the thrust vector rotation RATE! Fast on Harriers, slow on Ospreys!
=>The ability to specify the N1-prop linkage factor in Plane-Maker to get the Garrets and PT-6s to behave differently from each other. This is the ability to
specify how "free" the turbine is from the prop to get the turboprop N1/prop linkages just right for our particular engine.
=>The ability to specify the idle throttles as well, for both low and high idle, right along with the max throttle!
=>The ability to specify the starter and battery strength ratios in the Systems window in Plane-Maker... and get all the battery anbd starter powers just right
for your plane!
=>MORE. Dive into Plane-Maker to experiment.


Fuselage lift is now more accurate. We consulted curent research in missile
design to get the fuselage to contribute just the right amount of lift.
X-Plane now considers the exposed area, so a Boeing 747, for example, will put
out more sideforce than lift because of the additional area of the hump as seen
from the side only.

More acurate moment of inertia calculations, along with actual changing moment
of inertia as the fuel is burned. Also the moment of inertia and the weight
and the drag of all the weapons on the craft are considered so we now have the
weight, drag, and even increased moment of inertia on the craft from carrying
weapons... We are not doing actual fighting or firing of the weapons now, but
we still want those F-15's accurate for operational flight! X-Plane now uses
the new accurate fuselage-lift even for the weapon's bodies so their lift and
drag and sideforce on the aircraft are all accurate while they are being
carried! ALL computed weapon mass and aero-effects are now computed while they
are attached to the airframe, and their forces carry through to properly affect
the aircraft to which they are attached. In other words, the weapons
flight-model is still done (in addition to the aircraft flight model) and the
forces from ALL combine on the total large, heavy body.

Improvements in rotor-modelling... in addition to total flexiblity with number
of rotors and engines, the transmission drag is more accurate as well.

Improvements in flight-modelling for most all planes... the joining of multiple
wing sections to make one wing is more accurate.

Airfoils now have any linear lift-range you like... Get those thin or slotted
foils just right, even if their linear range is not 10 degrees!

Reverse the rudder control if you put the vertical stabs on the FRONT of the
craft! Experiment with wildly yaw-unstable craft this way!

Further prop/engine/clutch physics improvements... the engines should windmill
even backwards if conditions warrant!

Throttle and reverse thrust failures are more realistic as FAA desires:
->throttle fails to CLOSED,
->thrust reverse fails to CURRENT POSITION, be it on or off.

More accurate N1 repsonse from turboprops.

More realistic handling of super-low AR cases, as some people use for fairing
and strakes and things like that.

More realistic supersonic engine performance.

New engine and propeller sound system... X-Plane now has seperate the engine
and prop sounds! Then those engines and props will be just right even in odd
cases like auto-rotation and clutched engines.


Set Weather Atmosphere: The runway water or ice conditions can now be patchy or
uniform! The conditions are calculated FOR THE LOCATION OF EACH WHEEL! (Not
just the airplane overall!) This way, the left main gear may be on a slick
spot, while the right main gear is getting good traction... the plane will pull
to one side for a moment as you go over that part of the runway!

Hydroplaning! Your hydroplane speed is determined based on your tire pressure,
and if the runway conditions are wet and the hydroplane speed is exceeded, you
can forget about any ground friction! This applies to steering AND braking of
course. The hydroplane speed is determiend by the tire size and the current
weight, so lightly-loaded planes or planes with large tires hydroplane more
easily! This happens around 115 kt in airliners, slower in light planes.

Needless to say, wet runays and icy runways with patchy ice conditions make
things VERY interesting when the wind is gusting!

Overcast clouds are now solid... no stars showing through underneath, etc.


New Object-700 format! This new format contais ALL OPEN-GL primitives!
Insaneley easy to learn! But old OBJ-format is still supported for COMPLETE
reverse-compatibility! You can easily do objects with points, lines,
triangles, quads, quad strips, triangle strips, triangle fans, and n-sided
polygons! Objects can have smooth or flat's specified in the obj
file that and can be set for any poly. See the CUSTOM SCENERY folder for the
KSB EXAMPLE to see an example of this easy, powerful new format.

More efficient objects! Objects now draw faster and use less RAM Autogen
objects are now better randomized... not so "patterned". Objects textures to
look better from a distance... not "spotted" but instead "smooth".

the top of the screen to get the menu bar to appear... otherwise, the menu bar
DISSAPEARS to give you total immersion.

Instrument panels are now BIGGER! (1024x768, not 1024x750) If you have any
custom panels from version 6, edit them in a graphics program to be 768 pixels
tall... or don't... in which case X-Plane will still let you use them with no

Hit enter for ATC and ATC brings the lights up or down in intensity at your
airport! Set the lights to suit yourself, as ATC will often do in the real

PARACHUTES are now visible... and not just eye-candy! Now you can be sure they
are correctly placed and really see them in action! You can see the chutes
deploy, and trail accurately with the wind vector.

More accurate FOG.. now based on the true distance from you... not just the
distance in the z-direction!

Textured Lites run faster... turn this option on in the rendering options
screen for more realistic lites at nite.

Check out the cars parked around the airport fence with someone standing by
them watching you and waving to you! ;-) (and the cars use their blinkers as
they turn)

Custom textures can now use alpha! Just use pink! Now you can get little lakes
and ponds and rivers and coastlines in there perfectly, even for custom
textures! There is a little region near KSBD that shows this... crank up the
texture res to see it.


New switch: taxlilight.
New switch: Puffer Power. Turn those reaction jets ("puffers") off when in the
New EFIS instruments: DIGITAL OBS. Indicate the exact digital OBS on any EFIS
New round "flaps indicator" guage. Custom fuel and flaps angles.
Another notch of flap-settings to get those airliner flaps just perfect.
Carter Copter ECAM updated to track the real prototype as research progresses.
New all-in-one DME (requested for FAA certification issues)
Better PFC support for FAA and PCATD certification.


Tail rotor failures are back, as per request.

Electrical failure fails the HUD and gear and flaps. Also the electrical
system to charges the batteries more accurately... one generator can charge
multiple batteries in the event of an engine failure.

Manual Reversion: Flight controls move only partway after a hydraulic failure!
This is because without hydraulics, you are depending on pilot muscles or
manual trim-tabs to control the plane.. which is not much to go on with a
rally BIG one! Set up the Manual Reversion ratio in Plane-Maker.. then fail the
hydraulics in flight and see if you can still control the plane on partial
deflection only!

Autopilots now follow the INDICATED artificial horizon and directional gyro...
right into the ground if those systems have failed! Remember, the VACUUM
horizons and DGs will follow the failure of the VACUUM system, the ELECTRICTAL
horizons and DGs will follow the failure of the ELECTRICTAL system (or
eventually the alternators if given enough time as the abtteries drain!) SO YOU
on the instrument in Plane-Maker) so you know what systems will go South after
a vacuum or electrical failure... and realize the autopilot will follow that
AH and DG right into the ground after those systems have tumbled from lack of
vaccuum or power! Know the systems if you want to live.


AIRWAYS! See the low enroute to see them all.

ACTUAL RADIO FREQUENCIES! See them in the approach plates!

New apt.dat file that can have SEAPORTS with BOUYS marking the runways... and
yes they bob in the waves! (and yes the old apt.dat files will still continue
to work).

New view: Moving Spot! This travels at the exact velocity-vector of the moment
the view is set... then you can fly all around the view!

ATC vectors to aircraft carriers and frigates to complement the vector to the
tanker! Set the weather to IFR and then get a vector to try to work out the

Carrier catapault should shoot you to a good speed for any airplane now. It
will always to to put you off the deck at published stall plus 15 kt.


Autopilot glideslope capture is more realistic. Here is how it works in the
real plane:
You are on ALT HOLD as you approach the outer marker, the glideslope still
IN. Then, the auto-pilot will switch to glideslope mode as you interceptthe
glideslope automaitcally. This allows you to fly the entire ILS automatically
if you just configure the otto in advance of the approach!

Autopilot is more agressive on nailing the target, too.

New water pickup method. It works like this:
Skim the water at 70 knots to pick up a full load of water and thendrop it on
forest fires! Specify in Plane-Maker if the payload you have is slung or
water. Then skim the water to pick up another load of water! Go into the
Weight and Balance screen in Plane-Maker to indicate if the jettisonable load
is water on your craft.

The multiplayer aircraft are more detailed in their actions... the landing
lights are now shown accurately, for example. Send your opponent morse code or
attempt to blind him! Or simply turn on your lites so he can see you at night.


This is set up in the Settings menu: Movies! Record your own QUICKTIME movies
directly from X-Plane with NO special hardware or software required! Set any
resolution and framerate you like! If you have enough CPU and feel like taking
the disk space you can record movies at the full 1024x768, 50 frames per
second, zero distortion! More realitistically for most computers, make your
movies about 400x300, 10 or 20 frames per second... then you have a QUICKTIME
movie of your X-Plane flight to email or post on the net! This work on Mac AND
Windows! (then, get a copy of IMovie and edit your Quicktime X-Plane movies,
adding music as you like! JAMMIN!)

Option to turn off airways and fixes will so those files will NOT to be
loaded... thus you load faster! Turning this and the other airplanes off cuts
the load time in HALF!

More joystick support on Mac OS-X... more gamepads and joysticks of all
varieties supported. More joystick support on Windows XP... multiple sticks
hooked up at once supported.

Plane-Maker now shows planes in "orthogonal" view... simply meaning there is no
depth perspective, thus no distortion of the plane, so you can get the shape
just right without any depth-cues altering the image.

All preferences are now stored in resources/prefs folder... easier to delete if
you want to restart in default configuration. THIS ALSO MEANS YOU CAN RUN MANY
FOLDER. X-Plane now remembers the startup runway on restart of the sim.

"Help-bubbles" are now into text files so they can be localized to any

Do you you speak Portugese and like X-Plane? Your day has come. Portugese
language now available.

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