- Valley of Khorne: Critical Objectives have been moved to ensure each player has a point closer to their base. Center CO remains in same location.
- Dead Mans Crossing: removed cover from entrances to player's base from water.
- 2 new MP Maps.
- Power cost of Seer Council increased
- F2 Tactic - squads that are being attacked by melee units now have their ranged weapon accuracy reduced to 1%. Modifier applies to all members of the squad being attacked, not just the members being hit.
- Conceal no longer stacks improperly.
- Eldar no longer throw 3 Plasma Grenades.
- Seer Council ranged attack has been reduced.
- Entangle no longer works against Bloodthirster and Avatar.
- Ork Slugga Big Shoota damage reduced.
- Number of small fixes to attribute files.
- A number of issues have been addressed to improve game stability.
- Fixes various frequent AI crash bugs.
- Fixes gameplay options text bug for German/Korean builds.
- Enables cheats for MP games - only works if the option is explicitly chosen in Game Options screen.