Set amidst a time where lands that once existed peacefully now face a sinister conspiracy that threatens their very existence, players must guide the story’s heroes Kalas and Xelha, as they venture on their journey to overcome an evil plot that threatens to lead the world to its final destruction.
“The engaging battle system, captivating graphics and epic storyline in Baten Kaitos will provide an RPG gameplay experience unlike any other,” said Garry Cole, executive vice president at Namco Hometek Inc. “Baten Kaitos has already developed a strong presence in the Japanese market, so we are confident it will be equally embraced in the U.S.”
Baten Kaitos features a unique and intense “Magnus” card-based battle and item system. With more than 1,000 “Magnus” cards at their disposal, players have the ability to utilize these cards during combat to heal or aid them in their battle -- without losing time in this fast-paced RPG. Each “Magnus” card also has the ability to ripen, rot, rust, lose or even gain value for added depth to the overall gameplay experience.
Gamers can learn more about Baten Kaitos’s stunning graphics, brilliant 3D character designs by Nakaba Higurashi and overall mystical nature by visiting the official Baten Kaitos Web site. The official site provides all new content including exclusive wallpapers, character icons and the downloadable Baten Kaitos Talisman, which is a smart desktop application that updates interested fans with the latest Baten Kaitos developments and news.
Additionally, Baten Kaitos fans can participate in the game’s pre-order campaign, which is available now. North American retailers including Toys R Us, Electronics Boutique and Gamestop will be offering premium exclusive items such as a mini soundtrack and wall scrolls.