Set in historical Japan, Tenchu: Fatal Shadows features two playable ninja warriors - returning heroine Ayame and newcomer Rin. This installment of the fan-favourite franchise offers a tight balance of melee combat and shadow stalking, and its levels are structured to avoid the frustrating trial-and-error patterns that are all too familiar in the stealth genre.
"The signing of Tenchu: Fatal Shadows is further proof of SEGA's commitment to grow its worldwide business via an aggressive acquisitions strategy," said Mike Hayes, Managing Director of Sega Europe Ltd. "Tenchu: Fatal Shadows stretches the boundaries of what a quality stealth game can be and SEGA aims to extend the life and profile of this highly successful franchise."
The title is fast paced, tense, and balanced for both stealth veterans and novices, offering multiple difficulty modes. Significant visual upgrades have been made from prior instalments, and a slew of new move sets and the added ability to hide bodies and breathe underwater, Tenchu: Fatal Shadows is set to deliver the ultimate Ninja experience.
Tenchu: Fatal Shadows is set for release throughout Europe in Spring 2005.