First, the announcement: Battlefiled Vietnam 1.2 will include a brand new Spectator mode. At any time during a play, a user can jump into spectator mode by clicking the Spectator button on the Spawn Menu. The player can then choose to roam around in free cam, follow any player’s progress from follow-cam or watch the action from pre-set spawn point cameras. Jumping back to a team is then as easy as clicking the team’s flag on the Spawn Menu. We hope that this feature will be of great use in both casual play and clan matches.
Here is an excerpt from the 1.2 Readme
- Tank splash damage against light and heavy vehicles now works.
- Minimap sorting order altered so players are visible above the CP flags.
- Performance problems resolved at the temple in HoChiMinh Trail and Cambodian Incursion.
- Repeating napalm sound bug has been resolved.
- The bug with grenades that goes through bridges has been resolved.
- Parachute not opening properly on first key press.
- Missing icon flashes for radio commands resolved.
- Helicopter pads at main bases will not reload or repair helicopters occupied by enemy players, even after the control point is taken by the enemy. Note that this is determined by the team the player is on, not by the vehicle they are in.
- Mi8 hitpoints reduced from 125 to 100. Rocket reload time increased from 3 to 4.5 seconds.
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