Get the 18 Wheels Of Steel v1.07 Update Patch off WP (4/7mb)
1.07 Final Patch
Resolves the issue introduced in 1_06 where if you purchase a truck and forget to hire a driver, the game will crash.
Patch 1_03.exe resolves a couple of issues:
- Reduces keyboard and steering wheel sensitivity.
- Fixes error: "the operating system failed to provide the window to render the graphics in". This error occurs when running 18 WoS PttM on a hyper threaded pc that is running XPSP2.
To download and install the patch:
1. Click on the purple Download Patch button below or visit:
2. Save the patch to your desktop or other favorite place.
3. Double-click to install it.
4. Play 18 WoS PttM.
NOTE: If you installed the BETA patch 1_02.exe
1. You will need to uninstall and reinstall the game.
2. Apply the patch.
This is a list of what 1.02 BETA fixed:
- fixed game not even starting on computers with P4 & Hyperthreading enabled or dual CPU with WinXP SP2
- AI trafic - braking lights fixed
- steering sensitivity addressed: added a nonlinearity slider
- slight braking delay removed
- motor brake turned off automatically when you accelerate
- voiceover sounds fixed
- advanced horns position fixed
- empty/full texure fixed in several interiors