Based on the DC Comics/Vertigo "Hellblazer" graphic novels, the supernatural thriller "Constantine" tells the story of John Constantine (Keanu Reeves), a man who has literally been to hell and back. When he teams up with skeptical policewoman Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) to solve the mysterious suicide of her twin sister, their investigation takes them through the world of demons and angels that exists just beneath the landscape of contemporary Los Angeles. Caught in a catastrophic series of otherworldly events, the two become inextricably involved and seek to find their own peace at whatever cost.
The video game will closely follow the script of the movie, allowing gamers to play as John Constantine in third-person mode. The story will move between the planes of Earth and "Hell L.A." introducing terrifying enemies from the movie as well as new enemies created for the game. Players will encounter an arsenal of horrific artifacts including The Crucifier, the Holy Shotgun, and the Shroud of Moses.
The game is scheduled to be released for the PS2 and Xbox in February 2005 in conjunction with the film's release.