"The early success of the anime series on Cartoon Network shows the great amount of potential the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise holds in the U.S. market," said Ichiro Otobe, president and COO of Square Enix, Inc. "We anticipate that American players will find the game to be as addicting as the Japanese fans have found it. The Fullmetal Alchemist franchise, which encompasses comic books, a novel, TV animation, and games, has enjoyed a phenomenal amount of success in Japan."
In a forbidden act of alchemy, Edward and Alphonse tried to raise their mother from the dead and lost their left leg and entire body, respectively. Immediately after the accident, Ed sacrificed his right arm to save Alphonse's soul and transplanted him into a suit of armor. The action begins as the two brothers head towards Central City in search of the "Philosopher's Stone," the only object that can return them to their natural states.
Based on the wildly popular anime and manga series in Japan, FullMetal Alchemist has made its way to America, beginning with episodic programming on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. The series spans 51 episodes in a story that ranges from tear-jerking drama to hilarious comedy. The anime series has been extremely well received by fans and media alike with a DVD release set for 2005.
FullMetal Alchemist for the PlayStation 2 expands the tale in the anime series and is accompanied by fast-paced gameplay in which players can " alchemize" objects for use in battle. The story takes place in a lost chapter from the anime series during the Elric brothers' journey to Central. With animated cut scenes and in-game graphics that are the same quality as the TV series, the game ties in seamlessly with its anime counterpart. The key to gameplay depends on how well the player utilizes the versatile battle system. Over 50 transmutable objects ranging from trees to trash cans litter the landscape, allowing the practice of alchemy to have unlimited potential. In addition to controlling Ed, players can also equip the sub-character Alphonse and call him to aid during heated battles.
FullMetal AlchemistTM and the Broken Angel has a suggested retail price of U.S. $39.99 and is rated "T" (Teen).