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About Judy

As WP's managing editor, I edit review and preview articles, attempt to keep up with the frantic pace of Rainier's news posts, and keep our reviewers on deadline, which is akin to herding cats. When I have a moment to myself and don't have my nose in a book, I like to play action/RPG, adventure and platforming games.


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'Earth 2150: Moon Project & Lost Souls' - Update Patch Available NOW

by Judy on July 23, 2004 @ 2:52 p.m. PDT

Zuxxez has released a new patch for their 2000/2002 strategy games 'Earth 2150: Moon Project' & 'Earth 2150: Lost Souls' (at the time developed under the name TopWare). This update patch brings your retail game to v2.1 (available for the German & English editions) and fixes a problem where you couldn't finish the ED mission 4, and the BTD bug in the EARTHNET is fixed! The rebalancing to the multiplayer is also finished (Moon Project & Lost Souls are multiplayer compatible). Read more for detailed fix list and download links ...

Get the Earth2150: Moon Project v2.1 Patch off Worthplaying (8mb)

Get the Earth2150: Lost Soul v2.1 Patch off Worthplaying (14mb)

The Moon Project is a stand-alone game that will feature new environments, units, and structures. The game's story occurs simultaneously with that of Earth 2150. While the various terran factions fight for resources, a secret research project has been uncovered on the moon, setting off a new conflict between the Lunar Corporation and the United Civilized States.

Lost Souls continues the narrative of conflict between the three warring factions: the Eurasian Dynasty, the United Civilized States and the Lunar Corporation. In the previous instalments, devastating wars between the factions wreaked havoc and caused mortal wounds to planet Earth. Nuclear explosions close to the Antarctic had changed the Earth’s orbit around the sun, glaciers melted, the sea rose to a threatening level. Meteorite showers buried whole parts of the world.


- Updates the game from 1.x/2.0 to 2.1

!!!WARNING: After the installation of the patch, old accounts (local) and save games of the versions 1.x can not be used anymore!


- Multiplayer games between The Moon Project and Lost Souls are possible now!


- Heavy Sonic on building +4 RL
- Heavy Sonic build time decreased
- Light Sonic RL +1, build time decreased
- AA fits on Nester again instead of detector and regenerator
- research time of Xylit decreased
- research time of Mine Upgrade decreased, research costs 7000 CR
- Light Electro +1 RL on building
- Heavy Electro RL on building corrected
- Defender and Nests need electricity
- The upgraded Mine costs only 1600 CR/Unit
- Crion +2 min research time, research costs +5000 CR
- Crion build time decreased
- Heavy Rocket launcher -1 RL on Units
- Phobos III, +100 HP, 50 percent PZ, +200 CR
- Weather Control Centre +15000 CR
- Research costs WCC +5000 CR
- NewHope -100 CR costs
- Heavy Rocket launcher costs +200 CR, Rocket launcher 1 and 2 are stronger
- Crusher build time 10 sec, costs 100 CR increased
- Plasma Projector new values
- Build time of Lunar, Moon and FG 5 seconds increased
- Artillery costs from 3000 to 7000 CR decreased, shot costs from 1500 to 1500 CR decreased
- SDI could only defence against 3 shots in a series, needs after this longer to reload
- SDI build costs from 3000 to 8000 CR increased
- SDI research time 1 minute increased
- Heavy air rocket launcher -10 ammunition, less damage
- Mercury +100HP and 25 percent armor, visual range -1, +400 CR
- Antirocket ammunition x3 and improved, costs +100 CR
- Detector Upgrade +1min research time
- Nest build time -5 seconds
- Guardian +500 HP, costs +200 CR
- Defender +200 HP
- Defender are able to carry one heavy and one light weapon instead off two light weapons
- Solar PP +300 CR, Solarcell -20 CR
- Mainbase -200 CR, -500 HP
- Laser wall +500 HP
- AA Rocket launcher +50 ammunition


- Heavy Laser RL building +2, Unit +1, Light +2 auf Kauki /+1 building
- Screamer III, less build time und costs
- Screamer III higher visual range
- Heavy Ion + 2 RL on Units and +3 on buildings
- Caspian 100 CR cheaper
- Stealth research time +2 min
- Heavy Rocket launcher 1 and 2 are stronger
- Heavy Rocket launcher +100 CR
- Thor + 2 min research time
- Mobile Artillery tone down
- Mobile Artillery is a single research and placed after cannon, ammunition research already integrated.
- Ural build time decreased
- Mobile Radar +1 RL
- Artillery costs from 3000 to 7000 CR decreased, shot costs from 1500 to 1500 CR decreased
- SDI could only defence against 3 shots in a series, needs after this longer to reload
- SDI build costs from 3000 to 8000 CR increased
- SDI research time 1 minute increased
- New research Scout Upgrade, +250 HP, 50 percent AM, higher visual range, regeneration, max shield
- Repairer improved, research time +1 minute, costs increased
- Heavy air rocket launcher -10 ammunition, less damage
- Mini shield +20 HP
- Minelayer UPG is more expensive, UPG could only carry two shields
- Mercury +100HP and 25 percent armor, visual range -1, +400 CR
- Antirocket ammunition x3 and improved, costs +100 CR
- Screamer +1 min research time
- Heavy Tower +50 CR, +300 HP, Pillbox build time decreased, costs +300 CR
- AA building range +2
- Light Tower -10 Seconds build time
- Stationary Radar +1000 CR
- RCC +10000 CR, build time +15 seconds, Silo -5000 CR
- Build time ballistic Rocket launcher 50 Seconds decreased


- Stationary Radar +2 RL / mobile +1 RL, +100CR
- Teleport costs + 2500 CR
- Festung could carry 4 heavy weapons, more HP, higher costs.
- Heavy canon damage increased
- Heavy canon ammunition 60 increased
- Heavy Rocket launcher shot type and damage changed, a little weaker as in 2.0
- Light Rocket launcher Phanter/Jaguar damage decreased
- Light building canon RL +2
- Harvester research time 1 min decreased
- PCC research time + 2 min
- AA Plasma is more efficient
- Spider improved, costs +150CR, Spider 400HP, 10 percent AM, UPG1 500HP, 15 percent AM, UPG2 600HP, 20 percent AM
- Salamander -100 HP
- Artillery costs from 3000 to 7000 CR decreased, shot costs from 1500 to 1500 CR decreased
- SDI could only defence against 3 shots in a series, needs after this longer to reload
- SDI build costs from 3000 to 8000 CR increased
- SDI research time 1 minute increased
- New research scout Upgrade, +250 HP, 50 percent PZ, higher visual range, regeneration, max shield
- Repairer improved, research time +1 minute, costs increased
- Heavy AirRocketlauncher -10 ammunition, less damage
- Mini Shield +20HP
- Minelayer UPG is more expensive, UPG could only carry two shields
- Mercury +100HP and 25 percent armor, visual range -1, +400 CR
- Antirocket ammunition x3 and improved, costs +100 CR
- Light building Plasma + 1 RL
- Shadow generator I +1 min research time, Shadow generator II -1min research time, Shadow generator III -1min research time
- Heavy Tower +50 CR, +300 HP
- Stationary Radar -1000 CR
- Light Tower -10 seconds build time
- PCC +10000 CR, build time +15 seconds, Silo -5000 CR
- Granatenwerfer +150 CR
- Light building Plasma +1 RL
- Light building Rocket launcher +1 RL


- BackToDesk Code in the EarthNet are fixed

The Moon Project
- ED Campaign Mission 4 are able now to finish

Patch 2.0 Changelog :


  • Laser is stronger vs. buildings
  • Stealth-research takes longer to complete
  • Heavy Rockets do more damage and have more ammo (Aircrafts+Surface)
  • Heavy Rocket research time lowered
  • Minelayer can only carry shield 1
  • Mines do more damage
  • Rocket Control Center (MDW) recharges itself like Plasma MDW
  • Rocket Control Center (MDW) is more expensive
  • Rocket Control Center and it's silos have more armor and hitpoints
  • Bomber research takes longer
  • Pamir 3 can carry shieldgenerator 100
  • Scout added (is not able to reveal shadowed units!)
  • Stationary Artillery is more expensive and weaker
  • Stationary Artillery research placed behind defensive buildings
  • SDI building added, can defend against Plasma MDW
  • Research building is a bit cheaper
  • Gruz digs slower
  • Research of light air units takes longer
  • Research of light Ion takes longer
  • Wolga got more hitpoints, but is now also more expensive
  • Mobile Artillery's fire speed lowered and is more expensive
  • Mobile Artillery's research time increased
  • Hitpoints of small towers increased
  • Buildings have less ammo
  • Weapon facilities have 25 Prozent armor
  • Repairer research time lowered (Building capture unit remains the same)
  • Earthquake generator building time lowered
  • Shield 1&2 costs adjusted


  • Heavy Rockets do more damage and have more ammo (Aircrafts+Surface)
  • Heavy Rocket research time lowered
  • Mining Upgrade added (earns 10 Prozent more)
  • Xylit is a single research
  • Xylit costs around 2500 CR lowered
  • Batteries cost 1000 CR
  • Weather Control Centre has armor and is cheaper
  • Solar drops 100 Prozent faster
  • Electrocannon UPG does more damage
  • Nests can use Detector and Regenerators
  • Only Lunar 3 can use Shieldgenerator
  • Lunar 3 can use Shieldgenerator 500
  • Lunar is a bit slower
  • Lunar, Moon and FG cost around 100 CR more
  • Plasma Projector as a research added
  • Crater has more hitpoints
  • Crusher has longer build time and costs more
  • Heavy Sonic has lower build time and costs more
  • Light Sonic has lower build time
  • New Hope as a new research behind Moon 3 added
  • FatGirl has a bit longer research time
  • Stationary Artillery is more expensive and weaker
  • Stationary Artillery reasearch placed behind defensive buildings
  • Guardian now costs 1000 CR
  • Defender has now 800 hitpoints and 75 Prozent armor
  • SDI is faster and can defend against Plasma MDW
  • SDI costs more
  • SDI has 25 Prozent armor
  • Phobos has more hitpoints
  • Phobos with uncover shadow feature must be researched
  • Solar and Xylit have limited Power range
  • Research of light air units takes longer
  • Mobile Artillery is now a single research
  • Bomber research take longer
  • Hitpoints of Nests increased
  • Buildings have less ammo
  • Weaponfacilities have 25 Prozent armor
  • Regenerator research time lowered (Building capture unit remains the same)
  • Shield UPG: Regenerator II is added in research-three
  • Earthquake generator building time lowered
  • Shield 1&2 costs adjusted


  • Radar Tower added (is included in the first Shadow research)
  • Research of Radar is faster (Shadow research time remains the same)
  • Towers and Buildings can use light cannon
  • Heavy Cannon do more damage
  • Light Cannon has less ammo
  • Tiger 3 can use Shieldgenerator 100
  • Scout added (is not able to reveal shadowed units!)
  • Heavy Grenade shoots slower, has less range and costs more
  • Light Grenade shoots slower, does more damage and hits better
  • Light Grenade Cannon has more ammo
  • Minelayer can use only Shield 1
  • Mines do more damage
  • Heavy Rockets do more damage and have more ammo (Aircrafts+Surface)
  • Heavy Rocket research time lowered
  • Light Rockets of Panther/Jaguar are better
  • Research Centers are cheaper
  • Plasma Control Center is more expensive and takes longer to research
  • Aircraft plasma takes longer to research and got a bit weaker
  • SDI is faster and can defend against Plasma MDW
  • SDI costs more
  • SDI has 25 Prozent armor
  • Stationary Artillery is more expensive and weaker
  • Stationary Artillery reasearch placed behind defensive buildings
  • Salamander has less hitpoints, costs more and can use Shield 1
  • AA Plasma has less research time
  • Harvester II costs more
  • Air Harvester III research behind behind Harvester II
  • Bomber research takes longer
  • Hitpoints of small towers increased
  • Buildings have less ammo
  • Weaponfacilities have 25 Prozent armor
  • Repairer research time lowered (Building capture unit remains the same)
  • Earthquake generator building time lowered
  • Shield 1&2 costs adjusted

Admitted Bugs

  • The silo gate of ED MDW don't open
  • The Rocket silos named with Plasmacannon
  • You can't select a shortcut for the Harvester Upgrade
  • The Scout must be added manually

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