A routine disturbance call. A startling discovery. A catastrophe of supernatural proportions. During a late night patrol, rookie Detroit cop Lazarus Jones and his partner Anna Steele stumble across the ghost research laboratory of Professor Peter Richmond. Lazarus unintentionally releases a legion of ghosts and spirits that begin to wreak havoc around the world while a malevolent spirit abducts Anna. Armed with second sight and an arsenal of weapons and gadgets, the idealistic cop is forced to take on the entire spirit realm in hopes of finding his partner -- and saving the world.
"For those craving a creepy, yet humorous action-adventure game, Ghosthunter certainly delivers," said Rod Nakamoto, Executive Vice President of Research and Development. "Not only must gamers rely on strategy and puzzle-solving, but they must be prepared to test their stamina and go head-to-head, weapons blazing."
Developed by the award winning SCEE Studio Cambridge, Ghosthunter's blend of action-adventure third-person shooter gameplay and dark humor has players battling vengeful spirits, horrific apparitions, demonic children, and freakish phantoms. Equipped with a selection of high-tech weaponry and gadgets specially designed for hunting and capturing ghosts, players will experience diverse cinematic locations in haunted versions of famous places, including an "Alcatraz"-like prison, a "Titanic"-like sunken ship, a "Deliverance"-style backcountry and an "Area 51"-like military base.
Ghosthunter is rated T for Teen by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) and carries a suggested retail price of $49.99. For more information about the game visit the Ghosthunter web site.
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