The video game blends Vampire and Western genres, introducing a mysterious secret society known as the Darkwatch that has protected humanity from evil since early civilization. The Darkwatch’s newest and deadliest agent is Jericho Cross, an outlaw gunslinger turned half-vampire pulled into their ranks after unleashing a vampire lord on the American Frontier. To save the West and his own soul, Jericho must use an arsenal of mysteriously advanced Darkwatch weaponry and vehicles, his own supernatural vampire abilities and an undead demon horse to hunt down the evil lord and destroy his minions. “Darkwatch” introduces a cinematic FPS experience with remarkable variety and an original, compelling premise. With online play powered by Quazal’s Net-Z platform, the game promises to bring players the exciting, unique experience of 16-player gunslinger-versus-vampire battles via Internet and LAN.
"Bringing online multiplayer to Darkwatch is an awesome project for Quazal. Not only is the game concept very cool, but the gameplay looks great, and it’s a great example of having multiple pieces of middleware technology in action in a single game," said Mike Drummelsmith, Developer Relations Manager at Quazal. “With Darkwatch, Sammy Studios is taking great steps to develop top quality games in this generation, and in the next.”
Quazal’s Net-Z platform ensures that the many features that set Darkwatch apart will be easily integrated into online play. Features include a tremendous variety of weapons, destructible environments, location-specific damage, supernatural abilities such as blood vision and vampire jump, high-octane vehicles and massive maps drawn from a twisted Wild West premise. Net-Z offers the power and flexibility to seamlessly incorporate these features into the game’s online multiplayer mode, even allowing for full voice support for up to 16 players using Voice for Net-Z.
“We used a variety of middleware products in the development of Darkwatch. Not only did Quazal’s technology stand out, but the quality of their code was extremely impressive,” said Clinton Keith, Director of Technology and Vice President at Sammy Studios. “Thanks to Quazal’s technology and the imagination and skill of our team, Darkwatch online play is destined to be outstanding.”
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