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Platform(s): Arcade, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Nintendo DS, PC, PSOne, PSP, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox, Xbox 360
Genre: Adventure

About Judy

As WP's managing editor, I edit review and preview articles, attempt to keep up with the frantic pace of Rainier's news posts, and keep our reviewers on deadline, which is akin to herding cats. When I have a moment to myself and don't have my nose in a book, I like to play action/RPG, adventure and platforming games.


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'Sacred' - v1.7 beta 38 Update Patch Available NOW

by Judy on Aug. 19, 2004 @ 2:34 p.m. PDT

Get the Sacred v1.7 beta 38 Update Patch (US/UK) off WP (10mb)

Beta Patch Release 38 - Open Beta

- fixed numerous issues causing items to dissapear
- fixed an issue causing SC characters to become HC
- fixed a freeze caused when starting a game
- fixed numerous issues with Horse
- fixed "ghost" items not being displayed properly due to lag
- fixed several exploits
- changed HP of some foes by reducing them and increasing Resistances
- changed EXP gained in the different difficulty levels
- changed spells as outlined in fixlist in the beta forum
- changed calculation for stun spells (now: 0.4 x playerlevel + 5 x spell level > foe level for it to work). If it is a boss then the foe gains a x1.3 level bonus.
- fixed several issues causing the Dragon fire not to be displayed

Balancing changes

- Ajusted the amount of damage the Vampiress takes during the day so that the Vampirism skill level needs to be 10 times as higher than the KK Vamp form in order to stop her from taking damage...
This is to stop continues use of the Vamp form.

General Changes
- Giant Spiders are now all Bosses (Except Quest Spiders)
- Shaddar Riders now give 50% more EXP
- Increased EXP Bonus depending on difficulty level (to make leveling more interesting at higher server levels)
- Changed in HP and Resistances to various foes.

Beta Patch Release 29 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue which caused items to dissapear after using combos
- fixed some stability issues concerning quest NPCs

Beta Patch Release 28 - Internal Beta

- fixed several gameserver crashes
- fixed some issues making the client become unstable

Beta Patch Release 27 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where the trade chat would be flooded with red messages (don't worry, you won't get a popup screen anymore)
- fixed an issue where a horse would not dissapear when sold in MP
- fixed an issue where damage caused by traps would not show correctly
- added the ability to trade anywhere (instead of just in towns)
- fixed an issue causing the WoodElf to shoot in the wrong direction when CTRL-aiming at a foe
- fixed a gameserver crash cause
- fixed a crash caused by resurrection on an item
- life leech effect expanded to spiders and hell fishes
- fixed several wrongly named foes

Beta Patch Release 26 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where the client would randomly crash while connecting to a server
- fixed an issue where the game would crash when receiving magic damage
- balanced the loot dropped by a slain dragon
- fixed an issue where the minimap would not be revealed while on horse
- fixed an issue where the debug.log file would get too big
- fixed an issue where "Burning Feet" would show Ikons in Trade Window
- fixed EXP gain by increasing it a little
- fixed an issue where chat text would be overwritten in the lobby
- partly fixed an issue where magical items would contain set names
- fixed an issue where a quest could be completed even though the quest giver was dead
- fixed false prices on rings
- fixed an issue where items would dissapear on login
- fixed several crashes which occured while fighting
- fixed several quest issues

Beta Patch Release 25 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where a crash would occur when entering Silver games
- fixed an issue where dragon fire could not be viewed while in MP
- several other small crash fixes

Beta Patch Release 24 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where minimap would not be displayed properly while riding a horse
- fixed a debug.log issue creating infinate sized files
- fixed an issue where player would not gain enough EXP slaying certain foes
- fixed several causes for crashes when loading savegames
- fixed some quest issues where the quest giver could not be talked too

Beta Patch Release 23 - Open Beta

- fixed a crash caused when fighting dragons
- added CTRL+ENTER for teamchat
- fixed small localisation errors
- added new gravestone texts

Beta Patch Release 22 - Internal Beta

- fixed several small balancing issues
- fixed a crash while loading savegames

Beta Patch Release 21 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where low-level set-items would drop for high level characters
- fixed an issue where weapons would be displayed on the wrong arm
- fixed an issue where the shield was not rotated properly on the gladiator
- fixed an issue where items would dissapear when the last player leaves a region
- fixed several small server lag issues

Beta Patch Release 20 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where the Potion of Mentor would work indefinatly for the Vamp
- fixed an issue where killed foes remained standing
- fixed an issue where items would "float" next to the character
- fixed an issue where respawned enemies have no weapons
- fixed an issue where the damage display would not display the correct damage given to a foe
- fixed several issues where items could not be collected
- Bronze/Silver/Gold/Niob can be selected in SP without completing the game
- fixed an issue where the 2nd weapon would dissapear when using the Sereish Set Weapon
- fixed some special skill issues for Wood-Elf
- fixed an issue where Wilbur could be resurrected by the Vamp
- fixed an issue where the entire item collection would dissapear when loging in to MP games
- fixed a balancing issue with Combo usage draining the KK skill from the Wood-Elf
- fixed an issue where there where no quest givers in Heckenheim
- fixed a asynch issue with "Enemys die on sight" skill
- fixed an issue where "Levels lower enemy" was not working
- fixed an issue where the CTRL button no longer worked
- fixed a broken escort quest from Porto Draco to Mascarell
- fixed a broken quest where the mother was not generated in the "The lost daughter" quest
- fixed a crash caused when collecting gold
- fixed an issue where items where not named correctly
- fixed a balancing issue where Tornado was disabling foes
- fixed an issue where the questgiver sign is now displayed above houses instead of inside them
- fixed an issue where dragon loot could be collected forever
- fixed an issue where the small axe was identified as a two-handed weapon
- fixed an issue where character stats would change when exporting it

Beta Patch Release 19 - Internal Beta

- fixed a stutter caused by the mouse cursor
- fixed an issue where the combo master could only talk to the player who completed the quest

Beta Patch Release 18 - Internal Beta

- fixed several horse issues in MP
- fixed an issue where a combat skill would not work properly
- fixed an issue where the Survival Bonus would not be saved
- fixed all known Trade Window bugs
- fixed a crash in Castle Braverock
- fixed an issue where items would become invisible or transparent in MP sessions
- fixed an issue where "Pets" would not follow the character
- fixed a blocker caused when using bonus-statues

Beta Patch Release 17 - Internal Beta

- fixed a 2 second delay in SP
- fixed an issue where dead foes would rise again
- fixed dynamic quests in SP
- fixed an issue caused when renaming private servers
- fixed an issue where the horse class would not be saved properly when leaving MP
- fixed the "jumping loading bar"
- fixed missing doors in Closed.Net

Beta Patch Release 16 - Internal Beta

- fixed several issues pertaining "stun" spells
- stunned foes will now attack player if attacked first
- fixed an issue where items would dissapear when SHIFT+LEFT Clicking on them

Beta Patch Release 15 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where the same item would drop all the time
- fixed an issue where the gameserver would not start when creating a server in-game
- fixed an issue when host changes or leaves game
- fixed a large number of horse bugs
- fixed an issue where killed enemies would rise again
- fixed an issue where certain bows could not be picked up
- fixed an issue where some items had the wrong name
- fixed an issue where Wood-Elf and Dark-Elf could not carry sunglasses
- added tooltip for concentration potions
- fixed an exploit for goldtransfer in the trade window
- fixed an issue where the Vamp would no longer transform
- fixed a blocker caused by Tutorial Window and Logbook
- changed skeleton heads from weapons to usable smith items

Beta Patch Release 14 - Internal Beta

- fixed small quest issues
- fixed some localisation issues
- all difficulty levels can now be accessed
- fixed an issue caused when loading/saving game while trading
- fixed an issue where horses would no longer be saved in a char export
- fixed an issue when using private servers with passwords where players could no longer connect

Beta Patch Release 13 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where runes will not longer drop in SP when a char has been imported
- All MP Characters have been deleted since a lot of errors, which are no longer present where carried from one version to the next
- The order of rooms in the lobby have been changed, since the new difficulty level NIOB has been added
- fixed a lot of item issues (particularly with set items)

Beta Patch Release 12 - Internal Beta

- Quest Items and Portal Runes are now collected through Auto-pickup
- Fixed an issue where per SHIFT+LEFTCLICK items would not appear in the trade screen
- Stats of a 4th Hireling are now displayed correctly
- In every damage display the "survival skill" bonus is now included in the calculations
- The Seraphim Gloves with 2x2 size are now displayed correctly in the inventory
- Tutorial window is no longer visible in the main menu when a current game is ended with a Tut-Win open
- Teleport list now only displays teleporters which player has found
- The Mountain Giant now has a portai image
- Team Chat can now be accessed through CTRL+ENTER
- Slots for items are now also being displayed in Player inventory
- Smithed slots (used slots) are now displayed correctly in the char window
- Creation of own games is now possible in Room 29
- Fixed an issue where you click on "create game" and then "back" where the server list would not be reloaded in the lobby
- Fixed several Hardcore bugs
- less details in "Medium/Low Graphic Mode" for burning feet
- Fixed an issue where characters would appear doubled
- Fixed a Freeze while using Teleporters
- "Reincarnation" no longer works on other players
- extended "search" function in the lobby, now looks for players in games
- Boss enemies now have ajusted magic, where the 1. spell does not kill the player, but have been made stronger
- Adjustment made for the "Survival" skill and how it affects the drop logic of items
- Enemy Hit points have been increased
- Ring can now be found/bought with special skill bonuses
- wrong display of certain skills has been fixed (eg. Fireball + 1 on a Gladiator Armour
- Skills and bonuses should now appear only once on items instead of numurous times
- Weapons should no longer dissapear after using "Throwing Blades"
- Characters should no longer be invisible on the Char select screen
- Fixed an exploit where Gold was given even if the enemy did not hit when carrying "Gold from Damage" skilled items
- Teleporting while on Horse fixed
- Certain Foes who are not grey and do not attack has been fixed
- Fixed an issue where "Throwing Blades" caused too much damage
- Char now stands still when CTRL is pressed
- Fixed an issue where terrain was being displayed where it did not exist (eg. Flowing Lava in the Desert)
- Fixed Escort Quests in MP
- Summoned creatures from mages now attack player even if they are grey
- Horse calling should now work correctly again
- Damage bonus through statues are now also calculated for Battle Mage
- Itemname and Damage display should now be displayed on the same level which the current player is at (eg. 1st level of a building)
- Fixed an issue where cubboards where not in the right direction in MP games

Beta Patch Release 11 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where Hardcore chars would no longer remain hardcore when loggin out of MP games

Beta Patch Release 10 - Internal Beta

- disabled shadows in team portaits
- using "sys cheat 963" in the console will now offer 2 commands: "cheat learn" - rises all skill levels, "cheat upgrade" - gives all runes for skills
- fixed an issue where the vamp taskbar no longer worked
- balanced health potions (small=120, middle=200, big=300)
- switched health potions order so now bronze contains smallest, niob contains largest
- fixed incorrect damage caused by fireball
- fixed a crash caused when using a spell on team portrait
- added niobium difficulty level
- fixed an issue where the survival bonus would be reset
- fixed an issue where items would be broken while trading
- added auto-repair ability for corrupt char files
- added IP-Selection box when creating dedicated server
- fixed an issue where the difficulty level would not be identified correctly by the client
- fixed an issue where games could not be created when going from to
- balanced drop logic
- fixed wrong EXP sharing in MP games
- fixed a small amount of broken items
- Regeneration Tooltip expanded to .x seconds
- fixed an issue with Aura (like Mentor Potions) issue when loading a savegame
- fixed endless "dancing" issues of items when inventory was full
- changed minimum level requirement for Silver/Gold/Platinum/Niobium (30/60/100/140)
- added min/max level requirement for servers in lobby

Beta Patch Release 09 - Internal Beta

- fixed a lot of issues with "additional bonuses" on items
- added a second portal on the starting island which will return the player to the spot he was when logged off
- fixed an issue for a dynamic quest where the horse did not have an indicator
- added the ability to player transport over the portrait
- fixed an issue where some items did not have the correct minimul level

Beta Patch Release 08 - Internal Beta

- added the ability to change charname on the char selection screen
- added the Survival Bonus
- fixed a crash caused when certain foes would appear on screen

Beta Patch Release 07 - Internal Beta

- added the "Burning Feet" feature when certain statues/trophys (Ikonen) are collected
- fixed an issue caused by colored char names in the distance indicator
- fixed an issue caused when reloading a savegame and the death count was wrong
- fixed an issue where the chat could not be read while trading
- fixed an issue where some items did not have graphics
- fixed an issue where the player name was shown in the trade request instead of the name from the player making the request
- fixed an issue where the colour of the char name was used in the chat text
- added old name where the last character name would be offered as standard name for a new character
- implemented new netcode (firewalls/routers should work correctly now)
- fixed an issue which caused exported chars to become corrupt when having too many items
- fixed an issue where items could be duped in closed net
- added the ability to change email and password of an account in the profile screen while in the lobby
- fixed an issue where horses would have no riders
- fixed an issue where the charname would dissapear in LAN/Closed.Net games
- fixed an issue where the player would not start on the island but on the "Hackers Island"
- fixed an issue where charnames would switch between Open.Net and Closed.Net
- fixed an issue where characters would not be exported correctly in some cases

Beta Patch Release 06 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where quest givers would not appear correctly when loading a savegame
- fixed the exploit where a rune is dropped out of the chest at the beginning of the game when using an importet char
- fixed an issue which had a wrong logbook display when loading a savegame and restarting the game

Beta Patch Release 05 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where "Fog of War" was not saved correctly
- fixed an issue where "Fog of War" was not working correctly on internet games
- fixed an issue where armour was not displayed correctly
- added a better colour system for items

Beta Patch Release 04 - Internal Beta

- fixed an issue where ALT+LEFTCLICK would not work correctly if there where a lot of items on the floor
- fixed an issue where items where not loaded correctly from 1.66 savegames
- fixed several issues for main/sub quests
- fixed an issue where "Law-Scrolls" would be collected under enemies in the logbook
- removed a smith helptext "use rightclick to put into slot"
- fixed an issue where certain armour could not be used even though it was the character class of the player
- fixed an issue where certain foes did not have the correct name when loading a savegame
- fixed an issue which caused the resistance bonus not to be shown correctly
- added the ability to use passiv spells on NPC/Player portraits

Beta Patch Release 03 - Internal Beta

- added SHIFT+LEFTCLICK to move items from chest to inventory quicker
- fixed all known exploits in SP/MP

Beta Patch Release 02 - Internal Beta

- fixed issues where quest givers could be attacked
- fixed the reward problem in dynamic quests
- fixed the overflow caused when learning too many runes

Beta Patch Release 01 - Internal Beta

- implementation of trade screen
- changed the order of the inventory in SP
- fixed small dynamic quest issues in SP

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