The Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six franchise, hailed for its immersive single-player and multi-player experiences, continues with Lockdown as Team Rainbow, the world's premier counter-terrorist unit, is called on to fight a deadly bioterrorism threat. The crisis takes Rainbow into new territory and new situations, as for the first time the hunter becomes the hunted.
All-new features, specific to the PC, add to the tensest close-quarter battles ever experienced online.
New features include:
- Enhanced Tactical Experience
- Deadlier enemies with improved tactics require quick and intense decision making. But move too fast and you'll find the enemy waiting for you!
- Hostages that must be navigated through the level and accounted for during firefights. Keep them safe and get them out alive!
- New Multiplayer Features
- "Class Style" gameplay for multiplayer, allowing more specialization
- Multiplayer reward system
- New "Free-for-all" game type
- The return of 3 classic maps : 747, Mint, and Bunkers
- Re-imagined missions, more challenging than ever before
- Re-vamped Rivalry Mode: Rainbow vs. Mercenaries, battling over three different objective types simultaneously. No two Rivalry matches play out exactly the same way!
- New Equipment
- Enemy use of Lock Fusers in single-player gameplay presents new challenges to the player
- Laser Trip Mines, Virus grenades, and C4 explosives add new options to the multiplayer arsenal
- New Weapons and Attachments
- 20 new weapons, 42 overall
- 6 brand new weapons never used before in a Rainbow game
- 14 fan favorites from franchise history
- Customize your weapon to suit your style of play: Silencers, Scopes, red-dot sights, hi-cap magazines.