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Battles In Normandy

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Strategy
Publisher: Matrix Games
Developer: Strategic Studies Group

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Battles In Normandy' - Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on March 9, 2005 @ 1:07 a.m. PST

Battles In Normandy brings wargamers back to the western front with historical scenarios including two monster campaigns, and eight smaller historical scenarios. A full scenario editor is included and additional free scenarios are available online.

Get the Battles in Normandy demo off WP (85mb)

Battles In Normandy is the latest wargame in the award-winning Decisive Battles series from Strategic Studies Group, which includes The Ardennes Offensive, Korsun Pocket and Across the Dnepr. Including a number of enhancements and scenarios for the full Normandy campaign, Battles In Normandy brings wargamers back to the western front with historical scenarios including two monster campaigns, and eight smaller historical scenarios. A full scenario editor is included and additional free scenarios are available online at

Battles In Normandy is based on the design and engine that propelled Korsun Pocket to several outstanding “Wargame of the Year” reviews and awards in 2003. Battles In Normandy has itself now earned many similar accolades from reviewers, editor and wargamers alike, including Wargame of the Year 2004 from Computer Gaming World and 5 Stars from Computer Games Magazine.

Game Features

New game engine with improved user interface
New AI system
New user friendly game and map editor
Multiple resolution support
Special rules for Amphibious and Airborne operations
Carpet Bombing
Naval Bombardment
Mulberries (Artificial Harbors)
Bridge building, minefield and strongpoint creation
New supply rules
New rules for anti-aircraft and anti-partisan operations
New options for hidden units
New rules for extended movement and refitting units
Extensive Rollover Help function
Auto email and security functions for PBEM games
Extensive Tournament and Handicapping options for PBEM games
Evolved Units can change their characteristics mid-game

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