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Halo 2

Platform(s): PC, Xbox
Genre: Action
Publisher: Microsoft
Developer: Bungie
Release Date: May 31, 2007 (US), June 8, 2007 (EU)

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Halo 2' Gets Xbox Live Update

by Rainier on April 15, 2005 @ 4:22 p.m. PDT

Halo 2 is a sci-fi FPS game that continues the story of the Master Chief, a genetically enhanced super soldier who is the only man who has successfully defied the Covenant, a coalition of alien races on a murderous march toward Earth.
Bungie's Frank O'Connor has put up his weekly "What's Update" in which he reveals that Halo 2 player will be getting an Xbox Live Auto Update on Monday, addressing various cheats, bugs, glitches and implement some important weapon balance issues in order to smooth out the Xbox Live and System Link experience. The fuse on grenades has been shortened, and they are now also more powerful, melee attacks will do more damage, and various cheats like the standby cheat, flag bouncing, the ability to grab a flag through walls and sword flying have all been eliminated. People who are not on Xbox Live will still be able to get this auto update when they purchase the multiplayer maps retail version, scheduled for June 28.
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