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Radiata Stories

Platform(s): PlayStation 2
Genre: Role-Playing
Publisher: Square-Enix
Developer: tri-ACE

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Radiata Stories' (PS2) - Screens & Trailer

by Rainier on July 18, 2005 @ 4:27 p.m. PDT

Prepare to journey through a living, breathing fantasy world in the Square-Enix/tri-ACE co-production Radiata Stories. Explore a living, breathing fantasy world where time passes and NPCs all have their own daily routines. Recruit allies and pick sides in the war between humans and the faerie. The future's riding on your decisions.

Get the Radiata Stories trailer off WP (30mb)

Radiata Stories is the latest fantasy RPG by tri-Ace, developers of Valkyrie Profile and the Star Ocean series. An emotional story about the conflict between humans and fairy creatures is complemented by a new gameplay system that draws the player deep into the game.

The kingdom of Radiata lies in a world where humans and fairy creatures coexist. It is here that the protagonists, Jack and Ridley, meet for the first time. While Jack seeks to become a knight, Ridley must
accept her fate in becoming one. Destinies are realized when a war erupts between the humans and the fairy creatures and threatens to end the world of Radiata.

Gameplay Features

  • Link Battle System
    • The popular traditional real-time battle system known for its straightforward controls and extravagant presentation has a new element. By forming a The popular traditional real-time battle system known for its straightforward controls and extravagant presentation has a new element. By forming a “link”
      combos and other moves with all party members joining as one.
  • Fully Interactive Environment
    • Explore a fully interactive and animated environment by kicking objects! Kick chairs, trees, rocks, monsters, townsfolk, chickens, etc. to earn items or engage in battle.
  • Wide-range of Weapons and Costumes
    • Collect and equip a variety of alternate costumes and weapon types for Jack, each with its own set of stats and special attributes, including cameos from past tri-Ace titles.
  • Choose Your Own Adventure
    • Experience a non-linear and often humorous storyline by choosing which side to fight for. The experience is enhanced by unique sidequests and event scenes.
  • Befriending System
    • There are over 175 characters that Jack can recruit throughout his adventure. It is up to the player whether they journey alone or seek out others to journey with. Every playable character is beneficial in some way.
  • Time Schedule System
    • In Radiata, NPCs carry out their daily lives. Players encounter different NPCs depending on their location or the time of day.

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