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PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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BioWare Adds PhysX to Its Eclipse Engine

by Rainier on Nov. 7, 2006 @ 11:43 a.m. PST

BioWare is integrating AGEIA PhysX technology into its next-generation Eclipse Engine for PCs and next-gen consoles because of its unmatched physics capabilities and its straightforward implementation across multiple platforms.

One of the most respected game developers in the industry, BioWare has developed scores of successful game titles and currently boasts an online community of over 3 million registered users. BioWare's integration of AGEIA PhysX technology into their next-generation game engine will deliver unprecedented physics action to a huge population of gamers using PCs and consoles.

Gamers whose PC gaming rigs are powered by the AGEIA PhysX processor will experience especially dramatic PhysX hardware-accelerated physics in BioWare's upcoming title Dragon Age, as well as future PC games.

The AGEIA PhysX processor is available now in game PCs from Dell and Alienware, and on add-in boards from ASUS and BFG Technologies.

"There's no reason to reinvent the wheel when you have a world-class, easy-to-implement physics solution such as AGEIA PhysX technology," said Ray Muzyka, CEO of BioWare. "AGEIA PhysX will deliver mind-blowing physics action for games using BioWare's next-generation game engine."

"BioWare is synonymous with top-quality games and has an unparalleled relationship with its gamer community," said Greg Stoner, vice president of business development at AGEIA. "We're extremely proud that they have chosen AGEIA PhysX technology to power the physics component of their much-anticipated next-gen game engine."

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