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About Judy
As WP's managing editor, I edit review and preview articles, attempt to keep up with the frantic pace of Rainier's news posts, and keep our reviewers on deadline, which is akin to herding cats. When I have a moment to myself and don't have my nose in a book, I like to play action/RPG, adventure and platforming games.
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Take 2 Opens Shanghai Studio
by Judy on May 9, 2006 @ 5:35 a.m. PDT
Take 2 today announced that it has opened a new development studio, 2K Shanghai. It is completing development of the Chinese-language version of Sid Meier's Civilization: IV for the PC, expected to be available later this summer. 2K Shanghai will develop new original IP and co-develop products with other 2K studios around the world.
Take 2 today announced that it has opened a new development studio, 2K Shanghai. It is completing development of the Chinese-language version of Sid Meier's Civilization: IV for the PC, expected to be available later this summer. 2K Shanghai will develop new original IP and co-develop products with other 2K studios around the world.
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