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A Vampyre Story

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Crimson Cow
Developer: Autumn Moon

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'A Vampyre Story' Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on Nov. 17, 2008 @ 12:31 a.m. PST

Combining 3D animation and 2D designs, A Vampyre Story follows the opera starlet, Mona, a woman kidnapped by Baron Shrowdy Von Kiefer and slowly becoming a creature of the night after coming under the vampire's spell.

Get the A Vampyre Story [PC] Demo off WP (450mb)

A Vampyre Story was penned by Bill Tiller, the founder of Autumn Moon Entertainment. A former employee of Lucas Arts, Tiller won himself a place in the hearts of adventure fans through his work on titles such as Steven Spielberg's The Dig, the legendary The Curse of Monkey Island, and Indiana Jones. A Vampyre Story combines modern 3D animation with the qualities of classic 2D adventure design and a unique graphical style.

Deep within the walls of a gloomy castle in the equally gloomy land of Draxsylvania, the young, gifted opera singer Mona De Lafitte is held captive by her tormentor, vampire Baron Shrowdy von Kiefer. Ever since she was transformed into a vampire by Shrowdy and whisked off to Draxsylvania, her greatest wish has been to return to Paris, continue her singing career, and one day become a star at the Paris Opera.

When Shrowdy fails to return from a nightly foray, she at last sees an opportunity to flee. Together with her only friend and confidant, a cheeky bat named Froderick, she escapes from her prison and tries to find her way back to Paris. During her flight through Draxsylvania, where she encounters some strange inhabitants and some even stranger challenges, Mona must learn not only to accept her vampire nature, but also to use the abilities she has acquired to her advantage. Froderick, a witty and mischievous bat, joins Mona on the quest to realise her dream, helping unravel brain teasing puzzles and adding humour to the proceedings with a consistent flow of wise cracks and sinister jokes.

A Vampyre Story is set to release in North America (Nov. 25) and Europe (Nov. 14) for a suggested retail price of $29.99 USD.

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