1942: Joint Strike takes inspiration and influence from the 194X series of World War II-themed vertical shooters. The art, sound and gameplay of the new game take cues from the original 194X games, but will stand out as its own unique entry in the series. Gameplay will resemble the classic 2D style that gamers expect, but the game utilises a full 3D engine. Set in a World War II-themed locale, stages, vehicles and weapons have the look and feel of WWII with some stylistic differences. The world in which 1942 takes place is not our own and the events that transpire are not historically accurate, nor are they intended to be. This is an alternate world where history and technology developed along their own paths. As a result, players will jump into the cockpits of WWII-era aircraft to take on huge waves of incoming enemy fire, dodging explosions and missiles while challenging huge bosses at the end of each stage.