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About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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Nvidia Adding PhysX to GeForce Cards Next Week

by Rainier on Aug. 6, 2008 @ 2:19 p.m. PDT

On Aug. 12, Nvidia will release new graphics drivers that will allow owners of most GeForce 8, GeForce 9, and GeForce GTX 200-series cards to automatically use PhysX acceleration according to Tech Report. Along with the drivers will come a PhysX software pack containing free UT 3 maps, the full version of NetDevil's Warmonger, a couple of Nvidia demos, and sneak peeks at Object Software's Metal Knight Zero and Nurien Software's Nurien social-networking service.
On Aug. 12, Nvidia will release new graphics drivers that will allow owners of most GeForce 8, GeForce 9, and GeForce GTX 200-series cards to automatically use PhysX acceleration according to Tech Report. Along with the drivers will come a PhysX software pack containing free UT 3 maps, the full version of NetDevil's Warmonger, a couple of Nvidia demos, and sneak peeks at Object Software's Metal Knight Zero and Nurien Software's Nurien social-networking service.
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