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Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Puzzle
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima' Announced

by Rainier on April 28, 2009 @ 4:28 a.m. PDT

Brain Exercise is filled with all-time favorites intended to stimulate different parts of the brain and keep minds active.

The development of Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima was supervised by Dr. Kawashima, the renowned Japanese neuroscientist whose revolutionary brain training technique was made popular through the acclaimed Brain Training series on NDS and mobile phones. Dr. Kawashima’s belief is that our brains, just like our bodies, need regular exercise to stay active and healthy.

In today’s busy society, it is important to spare a few moments every day to give our brains a workout and fight against the natural decline of their abilities. Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima for PC and ‘Games for Laptop’ lets busy people who spend the majority of their day in front of computers enjoy a mental workout when travelling, during a break at work or on the sofa at home. Now there is no excuse for not keeping our minds in great shape!

Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima consists of 36 quick mini exercises divided into three colour-coded categories to train the three main lobes of the brain – frontal, parietal and temporal – through simple arithmetic, memory games and puzzles. The highly intuitive games are played using the mouse to point and click or simple keystrokes. Progress can easily be tracked by viewing the results charts, and can be shared on the official website at for worldwide ranking.

Namco Bandai Games now broadens the appeal of the Brain Training series by bringing Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima to anyone who spends time in front of a computer with the new ‘Games for Laptop’ mini-DVD format ideal for laptop use on the move. Brain Exercise with Dr. Kawashima will be available on PC and ‘Games for Laptop’ mini-DVD at retailers in Europe and PAL regions from 29 May 2009, and for digital download by visiting the Atari store.

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