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The Legend of Vraz

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Action/Adventure
Developer: Zatun Games

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'The Legend of Vraz' Demo Available NOW

by Rainier on Jan. 14, 2010 @ 2:34 a.m. PST

The Legend of Vraz is a 2D action adventure arcade game where you play as Vraz, a prince in love with princess Avi, and in order to win her hand in marriage agrees to the 5 tasks set by Avi’s father – Baapji, The Maharaja of Kund.

Get The Legend of Vraz Demo Off WP (250mb)

Vraz, the prince is in love with princess Avi and to win her hand in marriage agrees to the 5 tasks set by Avi’s father – Baapji, The Maharaja of Kund.

The 5 tasks are:
  • Earn 100,000 coins or equivalent gold for the wedding on your own.
  • Find the biggest and the brightest red rose.
  • Find the diamond studded heart.
  • Find the traditional sword.
  • Find a traditional horse.

However, the Vizier of Kund has other plans. He is in love with Avi and realizes that if he can marry Avi, he will be the future king of Kund and may be one day of the entire region.

In the meantime, Vraz unaware of Vizier’s plan agrees to Baapji’s condition and the game begins…

Key Features
  • A fun, fascinating and a forgiving gameplay encouraging the player while testing the player’s skills providing for a unique player experience.
  • An incredible soundtrack immersing the player completely in the game.
  • Stylized and appealing characters and 14 different enemies each with their distinct personality and AI (Artificial – Intelligence).
  • Exquisite hand painted stunning 2D Art assets and backgrounds in Indian Miniature Painting style.
  • 15 stages with 4 distinct locations and each location providing a feeling of fantasy of being in an exotic land.
  • 5 different upgradable arrows and the ability to control the prince both with mouse and keyboard or mouse only or keyboard only depending upon the user preferences

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