Set in a fully realized, authentic recreation of Tokyo’s “Sin-City District” the deep and interweaving crime drama of Yakuza 4 unfolds through the eyes of four unique and dangerous characters. Playing as the legendary Kazuma Kiryu, the loan shark Akiyama, escaped convict Saejima or detective Tanimura, players will need to survive the dangers and temptations of the Japanese underworld.
Visit Hostess clubs, try karaoke, or experience the pachinko parlors and other adult entertainment, only found in Tokyo. Each character will take on different missions, allowing the player to interact with the city from their unique viewpoints and experience every taboo in the underground world of Tokyo. And, for the first time in the series, you can explore the spectacular backdrop of the city’s skyline in addition to the city’s intricate underground system and its rich and realistic backstreets.
All copies of Yakuza 4 in the US will come pre-packaged with codes for the following:
- Bonus costumes for Kazuma, Akiyama, Taiga, Tanimura, and Haruka
- Survival Mode
- Underground car park racing
- The much-loved underground Fighting Arena
Like Yakuza 3, these codes will be one-time use, so you'll want to make sure you're buying a new copy of the game if you want to enjoy the bonuses. Consider it our little way of saying thank you to the many fans out there who are doing their part to help the Yakuza series succeed here in the west. (Hostess clubs included!)
Anyone who pre-orders from Gamestop, you can say hello to the lovely ladies of Yakuza 4 with an exclusive Dynamic Hostess Theme for PSN, free for all who pre-order on their side. If that sounds like your cup of virtual tea, you can pre-order online here.
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