Set in a futuristic metropolis called Sunset City, “Sunset Overdrive” transforms the mutant apocalypse into your tactical playground, immersing you in an action-packed experience as you grind, vault and wall-run across the city while using a devastating, unconventional arsenal. With hyper-agility, unique weapons, and customizable special abilities, Sunset Overdrive rewrites the rules of traditional shooters and delivers an explosive, irreverent, stylish, and totally unique adventure.
The Mystery of Mooil Rig is the he story-based DLC coming to Sunset Overdrive, adding all new story, enemies, weapons, traps, Chaos Squad objectives, new movements (Water Dive and Water Slam Bounce), all set on an oil-rig off the coast of Sunset City.
The Sunset Overdive The Mystery of Mooil Rig DLC is ecpected on December 23rd for $9.99.
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