Set in 1983 during the Cold War, Phantom Doctrine is an alternate history thriller in which players lead The Cabal, a secret organization dedicated to fighting a global conspiracy committed to controlling the world by pitting world leaders and nations against one another. Deception is the great equalizer as players will have to operate from the shadows to exploit every vulnerability - ruthlessly interrogate and brainwash enemies and allies alike to create double agents, saboteurs or unwitting collaborators.
Develop your base of operations in the shadows, investigating cases, recruit & train agents from the world’s many factions, forging documents and identities, researching new tech, and interrogating and brainwashing enemies for strategic advantage.
Good Shepherd Entertainment and indie developer CreativeForge Games have released a new story and gameplay trailer for Phantom Doctrine, and confirmed two new platforms: the PS4 and Xbox One.
Campaign missions to deliver sprawling tactical encounters that revolve around two key pillars: deploy them incognito for a quieter stealth assault, or drop your operatives into the field with heavy weapons for an all-out siege. Your team of operatives can be deployed into the field either fully armed or disguised as civilians, allowing them to infiltrate dangerous areas undetected at the expense of heavy weapons and armor.
Decode and analyze your way through immersive investigations to expose far-reaching conspiracies and elusive targets. Delve into the oppressive dark corners of the volatile 1980s with atmospheric visuals and an unnerving soundtrack by the award-winning composer Marcin Przybylowicz, of The Witcher 3 fame.
Phantom Doctrine will launch PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2018.
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