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Falling Frontier

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Strategy
Publisher: Hooded Horse
Developer: Stutter Fox Studios
Release Date: 2025

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Falling Frontier' Needs More Polishing, Early Access Delayed Until 2022 - Trailer

by Rainier on Nov. 22, 2021 @ 9:54 a.m. PST

Conquer a vast procedurally generated star system in Falling Frontier, a sci-fi RTS where intel and logistics are decisive factors.

Your expeditionary force has just completed construction of its first space port in orbit of a new world, but you are not alone. Rivals from the old colonial wars between Earth, Titan, Venus, and the other lineages that divide humankind have also arrived in the same star system.

Explore a vast procedurally generated star system filled with planets, moons, asteroid fields, and nebulae. Build and upgrade shipyards, supply depots, refineries, and recon stations as you research new technologies to unlock ship hulls, weapons, orbital facilities, colonization options, and more.

The game includes a detailed intel system, complete with recon stations, scout ships, and probes, which all are influenced by planetary bodies and stellar phenomena and present trade-offs in the choice between active and passive scanning modes. Design ships and raid enemy supply lines, lay minefields and construct recon stations, and ambush enemy forces within asteroid fields and nebulae.

Battles in Falling Frontier combine intuitive control with deep mechanics. Shots can strike unintended targets after missing or ricocheting off hulls and each ship has subsystems that can be damaged or destroyed upon impact. Smaller, more maneuverable craft can defeat much larger vessels through ambush or tactical superiority.

Wars are won or lost through logistics. A weaker opponent can choose to engage in guerrilla warfare, raiding supply depots and refineries, blockading colonies, and otherwise attacking each point in the enemy supply chain. Likewise, a stronger force cannot simply combine their ships into a single massive and unstoppable fleet and must instead strategically distribute smaller defense flotillas throughout their territory.

Developer Stutter Fox Studios and publisher by Hooded Horse announced Falling Frontier's Early Access launch is being delayed until Q2 2022 to allow more time to work on the storyline campaign involving war between Mars and Titan, and to showcase the game’s current status, a new trailer has been released revealing previously unseen ships, facilities, and game mechanics.

The trailer also includes an exclusive look at the unmatched devastation of orbital bombardments and an exploration of the previously unseen waystation facility, which allows fleets to rearm, resupply, and repair even when far from shipyards. Two new ship types are also revealed for the first time, one of which is sent on a search and rescue mission.

“Most of Falling Frontier’s systems are in place for our Early Access launch, but I want to take the necessary time to get the game to its best possible state before players get their hands on it,” said Todd D'Arcy, solo developer of Falling Frontier. “There’s still so much more I’ve got planned for the game after it hits Early Access, and my publisher Hooded Horse has been very supportive of delaying the game to polish it as needed. Falling Frontier is my dream game, and it's very exciting to have the time to fully realize systems like orbital bombardment and search and rescue, and most importantly, to ensure the storyline campaign 'Titan Rising' delivers the kind of experience players have been looking forward to."

Use probes, scout ships, and recon stations to explore and monitor the vast emptiness between planets. Recon stations scan defined angles with either passive scans that grant limited information or active scans that give away their position. Similarly, the enemy will continuously search for your forces, and you may hide your ships behind moons or mask their heat signatures near gas giants.

Falling Frontier incorporates over 20 different ship types, including frigates, destroyers, cruisers, and battlecruisers, alongside an array of civilian ships. You may create your own designs and choose weapons, utility modules, and other components to best serve your strategic needs.Your command crews are not abstract and impersonal entities, but rather named individuals with ranks, portraits, and identities. Each officer has their own traits and abilities, making personnel choice a critical factor in efficient flotilla composition. Enemy officers not killed in action can be captured and interrogated, or left in their escape pods as bait in order to ambush any rescue ships.

Falling Frontier is in development for PC (Steam).

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