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Super People

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Online Multiplayer
Publisher: Wonder People
Developer: Oscar Mike Studio
Release Date: 2021

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Super People' Plans Technical Test This Weekend - Trailer

by Rainier on Nov. 23, 2021 @ 2:36 p.m. PST

Super People is a battle royale game in which players step into the shoes of super soldiers and engage in intense, fast-paced battles to be the last one standing.

Super People fuses FPS and battle royale elements with gameplay features designed to put players into more strategic and fast-paced rounds.

Super People's character appearance is sophisticated, with light effects, high-resolution textures, and weather expressions. It was created to blend well with the atmosphere of the battlefield.

On the mysterious island you will encounter a variety of environments you on roads, in the sky, on the ground, and on the beach, enhancing the immersion of the game.

The game features dynamic Battle Royale matches, meaning the battlefield changes according to the number of participants, the passage of time as well as the terrain environment!

Super People lets you pick from various regular classes such as SWAT, snipers, and marines, and also more distinctive classes such as Nuclear, Driver, and Teleporter. Create your own playstyle with a total of 12 unique classes, and use the 10 skills.

Things never slow down on Orb Island. Explore the many diverse environments, uncover secrets, run from the incoming snowstorm that threatens to take out players if they’re not fast enough. But, don’t let your guard down as the other teams will all be fighting for their spot at the top of the leaderboard.

Developer Wonder People announced that it will be hosting a technical test for Super People from November 26th at 19:00 through November 29th at 00:00 (PST).

During the technical test, the Wonder People team will be testing stability and compatibility in advance of the upcomingClosed Beta Test which is set for December 7th.

The technical test will invite selected players from the closed beta application pool, and ambassadors will be selected for the technical test. Notifications to join the technical test will be sent out via email. Players will be allowed to stream the test or publish their gameplay and share their victories with their audiences.

Wonder People also released a 'Developer Interview Video.' This video features stories from the game’s developers preparing for the CBT along with the announcement of the upcoming technical test.

In the video, Min Hur, Executive Producer of Wonder People, explains the key game elements of Super People such as strategic play and character growth. He also discusses what it has been like to conduct alpha tests. The video shows how Super People has improved and how those alpha tests have raised expectations for the upcoming CBT.

Seonggon Park, Director, says “By applying user feedback after the alpha test, we decided to hold a technical test so that the improved game play can be offered for the upcoming CBT. Including this technical test, all the developers of Wonder People are working hard so that players can enjoy CBT properly, so we ask for your interest and participation in CBT.”

Key Features:

  • A Roster of Specialized Super Soldiers: Super People’s diverse roster features 12 playable classes of super soldiers, each with their own distinctive characteristics and traits. Each class’s superpower gives you access to a specific set of skills and one unique ultimate skill that will let you experience different playstyles and combat situations in every round.
  • Strategy-Driven Combat: Mastering a class is one way to gain the upper hand, but knowing the traits and skills of other classes may be the difference between victory and defeat. Unlike traditional battle royale games, identifying and countering an enemy’s attack and landing a perfectly timed ultimate skill are just some of the ways players can outplay their opponents and swing the battle in their favor.
  • Leveling and Upgrades: Two ways to gain an advantage on the field is by strengthening your class and upgrading your loadout. You can level up during the course of the round to power up your skills and unlock the ultimate skill. You can also upgrade your class’s gear and equipment to make them stronger and more effective in combat.
  • Exploration and Scavenging: The race to explore and gather loot is a core component in Super People, but so is the race for resources. With the game’s unique scavenging system, players will also be able to gather materials from the world to upgrade their equipment or craft items. With everyone hunting for resources, you never know when you’ll cross paths with an enemy!

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