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Wuchang: Fallen Feathers

Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X
Genre: RPG/Action
Developer: Leenzee Games

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Wuchang: Fallen Feathers' Is A Souls-Like Action/RPG Coming To PS5, Xbox Series X|S And PC - Screens & Trailer

by Rainier on Sept. 17, 2021 @ 1:54 p.m. PDT

Wuchang: Fallen Feathers is an action/RPG that puts you in challenging encounters with battle crazed bandits, deformed human giants and massive demonic monsters with two-handed swords, axes, and ancient gunpowder weapons.

Set in the chaotic final years of the Ming Dynasty, Wuchang: Fallen Feathers is an exploration of the hauntingly beautiful landscapes of imperial China and the battle against a mysterious force that transforms a grim reality to supernatural horror.

The game is based on the ancient Shu civilization-Sanxingdui, Jinsha, and other Chinese historical mythologies adapted into the style of Cthulhu-like fiction.

Wuchang: Fallen Feathers takes place as the Ming Dynasty Emperor Chongzhen has just hanged himself. Conflict and rebellion erupt throughout China as warlords fight for power among the remnants of the Ming Dynasty. Bandit armies take advantage of the chaos, raiding villages throughout the land and human order has all but disappeared. A strange event has begun to unfold - people’s bodies start to grow feathers, drastically altering their behavior and appearance.

In this adventure, players will travel through traditional Ming Dynasty towns, remote human villages, misty temple pagodas, and underground ceremonial Shu sites to uncover the powerful force behind these horrific transformations.

Wuchang: Fallen Feathers is planned for release on PC and next generation consoles and is currently in the pre-alpha stage of development.

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