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Loose Leaf: A Tea Witch Simulator

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Management
Developer: Kitfox Games

About Rainier

PC gamer, WorthPlaying EIC, globe-trotting couch potato, patriot, '80s headbanger, movie watcher, music lover, foodie and man in black -- squirrel!


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'Loose Leaf: A Tea Witch Simulator' Is A Tea Brewing Simulator - Screens & Trailer

by Rainier on Dec. 6, 2023 @ 8:06 a.m. PST

In Loose Leaf you manage a tea room between worlds with the most in-depth tea brewing simulation ever.

Loose Leaf: A Tea Witch Simulator is an occult sandbox game about brewing tea and reading tarot cards. You play as a witch managing your own tea room where you discover new brews and guide your troubled customers in a haunted world. Provide your regulars with the advice they need along with the perfect, witchy beverage to accompany it.

Experiment with ingredients and tools to find the best recipes for serving your haunted guests. Then read their fortune in the cards to help ease their worries. Will you become a true Tea Master?

Different teas need different times to be perfectly steeped, or else they’ll become bitter. Making a cup of chamomile tea may be easy, but can you perfectly serve a cup of matcha? What even goes in a Lady Grey Latte? What are the flavor profiles of blood? What pairs well with eye of newt?

Customers can open up to you, asking for guidance in their next course of action. Read their cards, but more importantly, listen and help them find what they need, here in this safe pocket of a dark world. Telling someone what they want to hear is not always the best choice in the long run.

Follow the clues to learn more about your ingredients and mysterious tools left by the previous tea master, and fill in your journal. By brewing more recipes and reading the cards, you’ll be better-able to fulfill requests and figure out what kind of witch you really are… a helpful healer? A mischievous warlock? An ominous doomsayer? Something else entirely?

“My mother read tarot for friends when I was a kid, and she would only take silver for payment, joking she was a witch. Then I started reading tarot myself as an adult, for fun," says Tanya Fox, Creative Director and Co-founder of Kitfox Games. "When some of the Kitfox artists told me they wanted to make a game about tea-brewing, and we started talking about witches, I knew we could follow our hearts and make something really unique and true to ourselves.”

Key Features

  • Fully 3d environment and fluid simulation for immersive tea brewing
  • Satisfying physical interactions with ingredients and equipment
  • Open-ended experimentation-based gameplay; combine ingredients and try to create your own perfect tea
  • Read from the Deck of Fortune to get to know your troubled guests and alleviate their suffering, interpreting the cards and giving advice
  • Fully original witchy soundtrack by the composer Leaf

Loose Leaf: A Tea Witch Simulator is coming to PC (Steam).

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