A fantasy land plagued by nightmares, a common lad trying to rescue his missing mother and an evil forces conspiration to be unveiled. Join Ario in this thrilling adventure where your crossbow and skills will determine the fate of your people.
Ario features splashes of metroidvania, stunning scenarios based on ancient Persia with a distinctive steampunk style.
The game follows the journey of a young villager who rises to defend his town from the oppression of dark forcers controlling nightmares.
Ario features beautifully crafted scenarios like castles, ruins and dungeons, all with a unique Persian style.
Controlling young Ario we will face Afras, an evil villain who has swarmed Ario's village with nightmares. Ario will begin a personal journey to find his missing mother, only to end up on an epic quest to liberate his village from the evil.
Key Features:
- 12 levels packed with tons of action and enemies, each with unique style and challenges.
- Unique mechanic combining shooting arrows with tower defense.
- A variety of different unlockable weapons and skills.
- Scenarios combining combat, dangers, platforming and final bosses fights.
- A touching story of discovery and revenge unfolded through hand-made comic-style cutscenes.
Ario is coming to PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC (Steam) on March 28, 2024.
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